People Who've Attended Schools That Are Filthy Rich, Tell Us What It Was REALLY Like

"Rich kid" schools are popping up everywhere, and I'm curious what it's like to be a student at one. So, I'm asking members of the BuzzFeed Community about their experiences attending schools with A TON of money.

Alexis Bledel in a graduation cap and gown stands at a podium with a "Chilton" banner in the background

If you've ever attended a filthy rich school, what was it like, and what types of unbelievable rules/perks did you experience?

Maybe, your class field trip was to an island.

Aerial view of a small, lush island surrounded by sandy beaches and clear blue ocean waters. The island has several small buildings scattered along the shoreline

Or maybe, your school's dress code was formal every single day.

Maitreyi Ramakrishnan stands next to Darren Barnet in an office hallway, looking at a person with their back to the camera

Or maybe your school parking lot was filled with Porsches and Ferraris.

Several Porsche sports cars are parked in a row in a parking lot

"95% of our school's parking lot was full of Porsches and other luxury cars."

Bim / Getty Images

If you've attended a "rich kid" school, we want to know what it was really like. Share your experience in the comments below or via this anonymous Google form, and your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.