Zodiac Air Signs, Explained: Here’s What It Means to Be a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius

Design by Channing Smith

In astrology there are four elements that correspond to the 12 zodiac signs: air, fire, earth, and water. Each element brings its own unique talents, traits, and energy to the signs that it covers. For example, the zodiac air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—are thinkers, ideators, and communicators. They bring a breath of fresh air to the astrological wheel.

The element of air is one that allows for freedom and liberation. So people born under an air sign are adventurous, curious, and ever-changing, just like a breeze. They are intellectual and tend to live up in the clouds, making it difficult for others to pin them down. That’s why they can come off as flighty or flaky to those who don’t understand their elusive nature. This seeming ungroundedness can be confusing for elements that are more tangible, like earth signs, but other air signs understand that one doesn’t need to be seen or felt in order to make an impact.

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Need to get something done? Call an earth sign.

Because zodiac air signs are so deeply connected to the mind, you’ll typically find them researching, networking, cracking jokes, or involved in witty banter. They are amazing conversationalists and deeply intrigued by people who can keep up with their mile-a-minute mouths. They are naturally analytical and can pick apart a concept, project, or person without too much effort. It is second nature for them to tinker, and they usually make great doctors, lawyers, writers, scientists, speakers, business owners, and comedians. It’s rare to find an air sign that isn’t constantly evolving with their work.

The downside to the air element is that it can sometimes have a tendency to get caught up in the mind. You won’t be surprised to find an air sign getting stuck in their head or overthinking their next move. They can also be prone to anxiousness or habits of keeping their past alive by talking or thinking about what has already come and gone. It does an air sign well to have hobbies or people around them who can ground them back into the present moment. They are intelligent and do best in jobs, home environments, and relationships that continuously challenge and intellectually stimulate them.

What are the three air signs?

To learn how to pick an air sign out from a crowd, we first have to understand the zodiac chart and the difference between the three air signs.

Gemini (May 201-June 20)

Born anywhere from May 21 through June 20, these folks have a mutable energy that makes them malleable and ever-changing. Gemini traits include being witty and full of banter, and they enjoy connecting with others through the written or spoken word.

Those born under the Gemini sign are ruled by Mercury (the planet of communication, technology, and travel) and represented by the twins, which symbolizes their ability to see both sides of a situation. They are social butterflies who thrive on interaction, making them excellent conversationalists. But as a mutable sign, Geminis are also as adaptable and curious as they are witty. This means they are typically able to morph into the people they’re connecting with to create a mirroring effect in order to get people to feel comfortable with them.

Gemini is the natural ruler of the third house of communication, and this blesses them with the gift of gab. There is rarely a person they can’t win over, which is why they make talented sales people, keynote speakers, performers, and entertainers.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libras are born from September 23 through October 22. As a cardinal sign, Libras are natural-born leaders and innovators with a deep concern for balance and harmony in their approach. Although some people would describe them as indecisive, those born under the Libra sign are actually very concerned with the happiness and well-being of those around them—in other words, their decision is already made, but they stall when making decisions if others are involved.

Libras are ruled by Venus (the planet of love, sex, beauty, and money) and represented by the scales, the only inanimate object of the zodiac. Their charm, social grace, and natural diplomacy make them the peacekeepers of the zodiac. People consider them flirtatious and charming for a reason, but if you get on their bad side, they will course-correct back to what they believe is right with just as much force.

Sandwiched between Virgo and Scorpio on the zodiac wheel, Libra is the natural ruler of the seventh house of relationships and long-term partnerships. These folks use their air-sign energy to connect others and create harmony and balance. Being warm, inviting, and naturally beautiful are other Libra traits.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Those under the Aquarius sign are born from January 20 through February 18. As theirs is a fixed sign, Aquarius people are stubborn in their opinions and have no problem going against the grain to hold strong in their belief system. They are known for their innovative and rebellious nature, though they're extremely difficult to convince beyond their own ingrained beliefs.

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure as well as Uranus—the planet of sudden shake-ups, innovation, and progression—Aquarians are the pioneers of each new chapter of society. They are often known for their humanitarian values and seen by others as trendsetters. Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, symbolizing their role in bringing new ideas and concepts to the world.

Aquarius is the natural ruler of the 11th house of friendships, groups, idealism, and a relationship to the collective consciousness. They are often misunderstood, since they sit as outliers to the masses and are usually responsible for trendsetting and forward momentum on a mass scale.

It's Cosmic

Sensitive, sentimental, and a little bit psychic.

Who are some famous air signs?

Gemini: Master lyricist Kendrick Lamar owns the intelligent, witty, and limit-pushing energy of a Gemini, while Angelina Jolie is known for her ability to play almost any character flawlessly and convincingly.

Libra: Serena Williams is world-renowned for how she has gracefully (yet powerfully) worked her way to the top of her industry. Cardi B is another great example of Libra energy, with her endless record of historical facts encapsulating her air sign intellect.

Aquarius: Harry Styles, with his ever-evolving style and charm, exemplifies Aquarius’ adaptability and communication skills. Megan Thee Stallion, with her unique voice and innovative approach to music, embodies Aquarius’s pioneering spirit and rebellious nature. Oprah Winfrey, a natural leader and diplomat, shows off that Aquarian humanitarianism, fairness, and social grace.

What are some personality traits of air signs?

Air signs are known for their intellect, curiosity, social tendencies, and ability to adapt to new situations. They are fast-paced, adventurous, and love to connect with others. Some other personality traits that make air signs who they are:

Intellectual & Analytical: Air signs are cerebral. They naturally live in their mind and are constantly thinking, analyzing, wondering, and ideating. They love to learn and are often the ones deep in conversation, exploring new ideas, researching, or enjoying multiple forms of media (books, videos, film)—often at the same time!

Social Butterflies: These signs thrive in social settings where they can engage in discussions and learn from others. They’re the ones who keep the conversation going all night long at parties and are always up for networking and meeting new people.

Innovative & Creative: Air signs are known for their creativity and uncanny ability to think outside of the box. Whether it’s coming up with new ideas or finding unique solutions to problems, they’re the ones who consistently push the limit of what’s possible.

Flexible: Like the wind, air signs can easily shift and adapt to any new situation. They are open-minded and ready for change.

Who are air signs compatible with?

Air signs will naturally gravitate toward one another, but their complementary element is fire. They are the element that stokes the fire’s flames, so to speak, therefore bringing fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) to their fullest potential. It is not uncommon to see air and fire signs together.

Here are some of the most compatible pairings for each of the air signs.

It’s Cosmic

They're a little bit, well, fiery.


Libra: These two have a deep chemistry and bond to each other easily. There is a shared value of pleasure, play, and all things imagination. When you combine these two, it’s sure to make a mark and others will be drawn to their relationship. They make great hosts and put on lovely events together. There is very little that these two wouldn’t be able to do or accomplish with each other, and they will typically take a very scenic route to get to their goals. Others may encourage them to save, relax, and get serious—but they actually do best together when they don’t follow the rules.

Aquarius: When you pair a Gemini with an Aquarius, it’s a melding of the minds. These two have an almost kindred bond, and the basis of any relationship with them will be friendship. They are often the outcasts and find solace with each other in relationships, as they no longer feel like they need to be understood by anyone but each other. They encourage freedom and eccentricity within each other, and the level of trust and liberation that these two have will allow for longevity in any type of partnership they choose.

Aries: As two inquisitive and curious signs, Aries and Gemini run together like two wild horses, side by side. They have a propensity for the riskier parts of life, and you would be hard-pressed to find these two hanging inside on a Saturday night. They enjoy excitement and will stoke an almost child-like fire together, allowing each other to laugh and play many years into their relationship. With their shared love for adventure and excitement, Gemini and Aries are a fun and energetic match. They keep each other on their toes and bring out the best in each other.


Gemini: These two share a love for intellectual stimulation and creativity. Together, they make great partners in both love and life, with a bond that’s based on mutual understanding and shared values. Libra and Gemini have a natural chemistry and compatibility that makes them a strong pair. They enjoy the finer things in life and work well together to create harmony in their relationship.

Aquarius: These two have an understanding of how to enjoy the lighter things in life. They are both intellects and care very little about whether or not others understand them, so long as they understand each other. These two have the potential to rewrite history together, and Libra would make a great sales person to an Aquarian’s kooky invention or business idea.

Leo: Two signs that truly understand each other and their desire to be seen, Libra and Leo are considered vain by most bystanders, but they have a mutual understanding that in order to feel good, it’s okay to give time and attention to their appearance, outfits, homes, and belongings. They will never stand in the way of the other getting attention and being celebrated. If anything, they will only boast and brag more about their perfect partner. Libra and Leo are a glamorous match, both valuing beauty, style, and social status. They support each other’s ambitions and enjoy being in the spotlight together.


Gemini: This pairing is a meeting of the minds. Gemini and Aquarius both value freedom and intellectual connection, making them a dynamic duo in any relationship. Aquarius and Gemini are a match made in intellectual heaven. They inspire each other to think differently and enjoy exploring new ideas together.

Libra: These two share a love for intellectual pursuits and have a deep understanding of each other’s needs. Together, they can achieve great things, both personally and professionally. This pairing is all about balance and harmony. Aquarius and Libra work well together, bringing out each other’s strengths and supporting each other’s dreams.

Sagittarius: As philosophical creatures, Aquarius likes to think outside of the box and Sagittarius likes to understand how history will play a part in the new future they are trying to build. Together, these two have the power to create a whole new reality for themselves and those around them, propelling these two into exciting careers, communities, and foreign countries together. There is no stopping the fast-paced growth these two will experience with each other. Their relationship will always grow, but it’s more important to them that they grow as two individuals who choose to stay together. Aquarius and Sagittarius share a love for adventure and exploration. They’re both independent and value their freedom, making them a strong and exciting match.

What do air signs struggle with?

While Air signs have many strengths, they also have their challenges:

Overthinking: Air signs can get stuck in their heads, overanalyzing situations and becoming indecisive.

Emotional detachment: They may struggle to connect with their emotions or those of others, leading to a perception of being aloof or disconnected.

Inconsistency: Their love for change and novelty can make it difficult for them to commit to one thing, which has led to a reputation for being unreliable.

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What are some tips for air signs?

Air signs may want to consider the following advice to live their best lives and make the most of their natural strengths.

Stay present. With such fast-paced, curious, and witty brains, it can be hard to stay present. Air signs can easily get caught up in their thoughts. Find ways to keep yourself in the moment like breathwork (4-7-8 breathing has some great benefits), meditation, journaling, nature walks, and fine motor skill hobbies such as knitting can help them stay grounded.

Hit the spa or engage in physical activities. Movement like yoga or dance or activities like facials and massages are great for air signs to reconnect with their bodies and stay balanced. Physical touch is another way of coming back down to planet earth. Try somewhere safe, serene, and highly celebrated.

Stay curious and keep learning! Air signs thrive on intellectual stimulation, so it’s important for them to keep exploring new ideas and learning new things. Whether it’s taking a class or attending a workshop, staying curious is key. Take up new hobbies when you feel yourself getting bored or stagnant. With such a powerful mind, it helps to do things like exploring museums and reading new books in order to lubricate your noggin.

Eat foods that ground you. Incorporate earthy, grounding foods like sweet potatoes, herbs, beets, carrots, ginger, pumpkins, radishes, and red fruits (cherries, strawberries, raspberries) into your diet to stay balanced and centered instead of floating off into the ethers.

Teach, guide, and instruct others. Find topics to master and give back by teaching and guiding others. Air signs do a great job as professors, lawyers, therapists, and tour guides. Even leading local events and workshops would do you well!

Stay hydrated! Air signs can be prone to dryness, so it’s important for them to drink plenty of water, eat hydrating foods like watermelon and cucumber, and moisturize their skin. If you find yourself struggling with keeping your energy levels high, it may be due to your dry nature. Make sure that you are hydrating with or even adding an alarm to drink water if you struggle to do so without accountability. Air is a drying element, so we want to keep you balanced.

How can I embrace my air sign nature?

Air signs bring a unique energy to the zodiac with their intellectual curiosity, social nature, and adaptability. Whether you’re a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, embracing your natural strengths and being mindful of your challenges will help you navigate life with ease. Remember, the key to thriving with your zodiac sign is to stay grounded, stay curious, and keep your mind open to all the possibilities that life has to offer.

Want more guidance? Don’t forget to check your monthly tarotscope and weekly horoscope on Glamour.

Meghan Rose is a Los Angeles–based spiritual advisor, intuitive tarot card reader, and author whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

Originally Appeared on Glamour