Zodiac Friendship Compatibility: What Your Sign Says About Your Best Friends

Stefanie Keenan/VF23

International Friendship Day is July 30, so what better time to figure out your zodiac friendship compatibility? But because our besties share our most intimate moments and thoughts, it's important that we choose our friends carefully. Luckily, astrology can help guide us.

When finding your squad through astrology, many factors come into play. For instance, we look to see who aligns with the planetary ruler of the sign, which harmonizes together, and how they interact IRL. Beyond that, astrologers like myself look to see who falls into the derived 3rd house of communication, the 4th house of foundation (depending on the sign), the 5th house of pleasure, as well as the 11th house of friendship and groups. All of these factors come into play when finding a connection that lasts a lifetime.

So, whether you're looking to find new friends through astrology or simply looking to see how you and your longtime bestie match up, here's what to know about zodiac friendship compatibility.


Aries prefer to surround themselves with fun people who keep them active and guessing about what comes next. Since the ram can be argumentative at times, they need to find people who will forgive their temper tantrums and focus on the positives of the relationship. However, Aries do like to hang out with friends who challenge their ideas and bring out their humanitarian side, making them lean towards both fire and some air signs.

BFFs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.


When it comes to friendship, the Bull is extremely loyal to those they care about — all the more reasons why they connect with most water signs and earth signs (because these signs like stability in relationships). That means they’ll always be a true bestie and stand by your side through thick and thin. If the sentiment is not reciprocated, then you can expect Taurus to dip out of the group text and ghost you.

BFFs: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.


Since Gemini is the social butterfly of the zodiac, they get along with everyone. The twin star sign has the ability to bring cheer, sunshine, and humor to every relationship. Their mutable nature allows the air sign to buzz around from group to group. However, Geminis need pals who have earthy energy in their orb to keep them balanced because they have a tendency to get lost in the scene and become influenced by others.

BFFs: Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, and Leo.


When it comes to their besties, the crab is selective about who they give their heart and energy to. Simply put: They don't do casual relationships. Cancers live in a cocoon and allow those who've earned their trust to be a part of their inner circle. Once you're in, you will be a part of their lives forever. If you attempt to leave, Cancers will use their pincers to keep you in their friendship bubble.

BFFs: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces.


If Leo can find a group of peeps who let them be their true selves by not passing judgment on their need for 24/7 attention and allows the fearless lion to be the social director of the crew, then they’re golden. As friends, Leos are generous, kind, and will always have your back — you just have to show the same amount of TLC, consistency, and respect in return. Otherwise their claws come out.

BFFs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.


Virgos motivate and inspire their crew to transcend into greatness. They are sincere and expect the same level of camaraderie from those they invest their energy into. The only caveat is that Virgos hold in their frustrations, so they won’t express themselves when upset. The reason they are slow to anger is because Virgos believe in their pals and want them to grow. When their BFFs don’t, Virgos use tough love to help them evolve.

BFFs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.


The air sign Libra are great connectors, which means they are awesome at unifying different friends together. Not only that, but they’re the peacemakers who help their buddies find a middle ground when there is drama between them. Since Libras are up for anything with their close pals at any given time, they are willing and wanting to have fun with their besties — as long as the vibes are chill and everyone gets along.

BFFs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.


Scorpios are the best when it comes to maintaining friendships. When they commit to another, Scorpios are lifers (if they feel like people change with them). Scorpios don’t easily sway in their feelings and will always support those they care about — as long as no one does anything shady to them, then they’re dropped without explanation. Scorpios like earthy and watery energy to surround them, since their emotions are deep and they’re super intuitive.

BFFs: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.


The party and adventure never stops with a Sag BFF! One day you’re on a quest for rare books in town and the next you’re on a road trip to find the best ice cream. You never know where a friendship with a Sagittarius will lead you. However, a few things are certain: they’ll always defend their besties (even if they’re wrong), they’ll always be 100% real, and they’ll always bring out your best qualities.

BFFs: Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.


The sea-goat requires their friends to adhere to the same moral compass as them. When they don’t, Capricorn doesn’t hold back. The reason why Capricorn acts this way is because they want their social circle to be and do better at all times. There is nothing wrong with pushing people to their potential, as long as it’s done nicely. Regardless of that, Capricorn will continue to show up and be a shoulder to cry on.

BFFs: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces.


It might take an Aquarius a hot minute to warm up to people because the air sign wants to figure them out, but once they do the water-bearer will love their pals unconditionally. Rain or shine, your Aquarius BFF will be there, rooting for you on the sidelines. They have a sensitivity for the underdog, so if you need a pep talk, Aquarius is the one to call upon. They rarely let their friends down.

BFFs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.


If you’re feeling blue or sad, no one can provide more comfort than a Pisces. Not only will they show up with your favorite comfort food and self-care products like face masks or nail polish, but they’ll wipe your tears while shedding a few of their own. Their tenderness and gentleness is remarkable, calming, and refreshing — it helps their besties heal. After all, Pisces hate seeing those they love be in pain and suffering.

BFFs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

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