13 "Normal" Things In 2024 That Are Actually Really Strange

I'm sure there are things you just accept as "normal," but they make you scratch your head in confusion. The BuzzFeed Community recently shared examples of those things, and I can't really disagree with any of them. Here are some of the things people said:

Note: Some of these responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

1."I strongly dislike how the consumption of alcohol is normalized in every event, i.e., baby showers, kids' birthday parties, and family-friendly breweries. What is this saying to our children?"

A table displaying blue-themed cupcakes, baby bottles, a candy bracelet, and a blue drink in a bottle, with gifts and decor suggesting a baby shower event
Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

2."In today's culture, it has become an acceptable practice to be disrespectful of others while in public."


3."Talking on your phone while you're checking out. Just wait a dang minute and finish up your conversation later."


4."The prices for cosmetics, nails, and hair getting styled; those prices are crazy and getting normalized. It costs most Americans a dollar amount they don't make in one day."

A close-up shot of a nail technician painting nails with purple polish while another hand holds a small LED nail dryer in the background
Patricio Nahuelhual / Getty Images

5."Accepting that the vast majority of doctors are expected to spend less than 10 minutes with you (because their corporate overlords need them to squeeze in as many patients as possible in a day) and trying to take as little time of their time as possible if it's just a regular checkup so the poor doctor has more time to spend with patients who really need help."


6."Women not being considered 'ladylike,' because they are willing to defend their social or political standpoint in front of men."


7."People who use voice to text. Why text if you are going to be talking? I thought texting was valuable because you could communicate without bothering others."

Close-up of hands typing on a smartphone screen in low light, with the screen displaying a white glow
Jacques Julien / Getty Images

8."People who watch videos/listen to music out loud from their phones. If I'm in a pub wanting a quiet drink and a read, I don't want to hear your shitty music or that video of you on a night out. Headphones exist for a reason."


9."Blaming educators for every set of low test scores and data, bad student behaviors, and basically any and all school community crises."


10."I work 40 hours a week — don't ask me to work a mother-fucking minute over it!"

A person lies on their back on a yoga mat at home, eyes closed, with hands clasped together, wearing headphones and a relaxed expression
Halfpoint Images / Getty Images

11."We had some people snark at us when I was eating out with my oldest earlier this week. He’s ten. We were having a good time together, laughing and joking, but nothing obnoxious. Two older ladies started muttering about it before taking their coffees and leaving. Like ma’am. This is a McDonald’s. In Walmart. Chill tf out. Odds are they would have been snarking if he had been on an iPad, too."


12."I hate texting or calling people in my free time. I’m an introvert, and my job requires me to be extremely talkative and interact with people for 8-10 hours a day. My time after work is the time I use to recharge my social batteries and completely relax. The LAST thing I want to do when I get home is text and call even MORE people."


13."Ghosting people on dating apps who you hardly know is fine; it's the ones who do it after long-term relationships that are shitty."


Are there any things you can think of that are normalized nowadays but you disagree with? If so, share them with me in the comments below!