I'm Fighting Back Tears After Hysterically Laughing At These 20 Photos Of Expectations Being Shattered By Reality
As a recovering impulsive shopper, you better believe I've fallen for a scammy ad or two (or 10) I've seen online. Frankly, it feels like ordering something online is becoming more and more of a gamble, especially for the folks over at r/ExpectationVsReality. Here are a few customers who I truly hope are demanding a refund for their purchases.
1.This "speedometer" cake:
2.This "custom pet" sweatshirt:
3.This "custom pet" henna tattoo:
4.And this "custom pet" plushie:
5.This poster of "The Godfather":
6.This "wedge salad":
7.These "stained glass" books:
8.This "seagull" plushie:
9.This "Moo Deng" ornament:
10.This "mac 'n' cheese":
11.This Descendants "doll":
12.This "breakfast burrito":
13.This "Grogu" Chia Pet:
14.This "wizard robe":
15.This "living arrangement":
16.These "Bluey" cake pops:
17.This "batwing" dress:
18.This "avocado toast":
19.This "bouquet":
20.And finally, this "mushroom" pendant: