These 20 Dads Have Taken "Toxic" To A Whole New Level, And Parenting Classes Just Won't Cut It

Note: Some posts include topics of domestic abuse, verbal abuse, suicide, and animal abuse. Please proceed with caution.

1.This dad who refused to take responsibility when he put his daughter in debt and instead called her a "manipulative woman:"

Text conversation about financial struggles related to decoder issues and relationship tensions
u/krystaobrien / Via
Text conversation about personal conflicts, addressing issues with finances and accusations of manipulation. Mention of Christchurch for item pickup
u/krystaobrien / Via

2.This dad who came out of the woodwork after 10 years, made a Facebook account just to contact his daughter and make her feel guilty for setting boundaries:

Text conversation about child support, personal struggles with divorce, living alone, and working while raising children
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Message exchange about a lost phone, undelivered contact info, and missed child support payments, leading to unresolved issues and apologies
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Message expressing condolences for Lilly's passing, reflecting on past times, and acknowledging differing perspectives
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Summary of text: A heartfelt message expressing regret for a decision, desire to remain close, and love for the recipient and her sister
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Cartoon figure in a room with text saying "Fresh haircut for this boy." Message below: "I don’t know you? Interesting..."
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Text exchange discussing inconsistencies in child support payments and questioning the recipient's honesty and intentions
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Summary of a text message expressing frustration about not receiving money from birthday cards, accusing the sender of lying about sending money
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Text message describing a person using made-up currency to show care, highlighting emotional impact at age 20
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Text exchange about a MAGA hat and family issues, expressing concerns about character and a lack of contact regarding marriage
u/5littlethings1D / Via
Text conversation showing a person expressing anger and frustration, telling another person to stay away and expressing hurt feelings
u/5littlethings1D / Via

3.This dad who didn't take his kid's hospitalization seriously when she attempted suicide:

Text conversation summarizing someone's overdose on medication, hospitalization, and decision for homeschooling
u/Key_Prize_1317 / Via
Text exchange discussing a teenager's mental health, dismissing serious concerns as normal behavior
u/Key_Prize_1317 / Via

4.This dad who expected his son AND his girlfriend to spot him financially??? Like what?:

Text conversation about planning a meetup, with concerns about finances and homelessness expressed by one person
u/Fat-Man0815 / Via
Text conversation displaying messages about saving money and personal sentiments on helping and intelligence
u/Fat-Man0815 / Via
Text exchange with one person defending social security spending and the other sarcastically responding with clown emojis
u/Fat-Man0815 / Via

5.This dad who weirdly made his kid feel horrible about going out and having a social life (as if they aren't allowed to have fun?):

Text exchange where one person reassures everything is sorted, another reacts negatively about leaving someone unwell, expressing disappointment
u/Spiderman2099bf / Via
Text conversation: A person defends leaving their 17-year-old son at home, stating he's capable of managing alone for a few hours
u/Spiderman2099bf / Via

6.This dad who totally went off the deep end because his kid's room was a mess:

Text conversation showing a person being notified that their belongings have been moved outside
u/Extreme_Bend_5293 / Via

7.This dad who was anything but supportive when his kid told him he was gay, and used veryyyyyy scary language:

Text conversation: Person 1 asks about opinions on same-sex marriage. Person 2 responds negatively, mentioning repentance. Person 1 replies, "I'm gay" with a laughing emoji
u/anonaccountsrry / Via
Message warns about hell, referencing God, Satan, and Jesus. It describes personal struggles with evil and belief in divine intervention
u/anonaccountsrry / Via
Text message: A person recounts a spiritual experience, including visions and dreams, mentioning divine favor, warnings against evil, and being shown a sign
u/anonaccountsrry / Via
Text on a messaging app: "don't send yourself to a place of neverending torture burning fire for eternity forever meaning never ever stops."
u/anonaccountsrry / Via

8.This dad who posted a very dramatic and cryptic paragraph after his kid didn't pick up his call right away:

Text conversation: A message about a dad who feels misunderstood and struggles to connect with his children
u/Weriderr / Via

9.This dad who...good god, I don't even have the words for it:

Text message exchange about needing a "sugar daddy" and humorously responding with needing money for medical and dental expenses
u/slapstick_nightmare / Via

10.This dad who threatened to "cut his kid off" because he thought they were on a date without telling him:

Phone lock screen showing several missed calls from "Dad" over the past 21 minutes
u/[deleted] / Via
Phone screen showing multiple missed calls from "Dad."
u/[deleted] / Via
Text conversation: A person is being called repeatedly and pressured for not answering. The recipient explains they're at a pub and need boundaries
u/[deleted] / Via
A heated text exchange: one person demands a callback and threatens consequences. The other person explains being unavailable and defends their actions
u/[deleted] / Via

11.This dad who made his kid feel guilty for not helping him out around the house:

Dad making kid feel guilty about not helping around the house
u/Spice_Cadet_ / Via
Dad making kid feel guilty about not helping around the house
u/Spice_Cadet_ / Via
Dad making kid feel guilty about not helping around the house
u/Spice_Cadet_ / Via

12.This dad who gave away his 14-year-old daughter's cat without considering her feelings at ALL:

Dad giving away his daughter's cat because the cat "went fucking crazy"
u/Prestigious_bigmac1 / Via

13.This dad who wished his kid a happy birthday A DAY LATE and proceeded to sh*t on the kid's mom in the process:

Text messages between a father and child about a late birthday and parental alienation, discussing the impact of a child's involvement in parental criticism
u/HeckinYes / Via

14.This dad who was anything but sympathetic when his daughter decided not to visit him (all because she was supporting her boyfriend through his own dad's death):

Dad mad at his daughter because she wouldn't visit him
u/Cheeesecurl4 / Via

15.This dad who called his child by their dead name instead of their new one:

Dad refusing to use his daughter's new name
u/JingleheimerSchmin / Via

16.This dad who totally disregarded the importance of his son's psychological evaluation, and blamed his mother:

Father not supporting his son's need for mental health medication
u/ExistentialCrisis876 / Via
Father not supporting his son's need for mental health medication
u/ExistentialCrisis876 / Via
Father not supporting his son's need for mental health medication
u/ExistentialCrisis876 / Via
Father not supporting his son's need for mental health medication
u/ExistentialCrisis876 / Via
Father not supporting his son's need for mental health medication
u/ExistentialCrisis876 / Via
Father not supporting his son's need for mental health medication
u/ExistentialCrisis876 / Via

17.This dad who judged his daughter for how she was raising her son, leaving his two cents where it totally wasn't needed:

Dad judging his daughter for giving her child Infamil: "first ingredient corn syrup"
u/Shoddy-Finger8343 / Via
Dad saying she should give the child goat's milk
u/Shoddy-Finger8343 / Via

18.This dad who tried to prove over and over and OVER that he was a "good dad" by guilt-tripping his kid:

Text conversation where a family member expresses frustration over unreciprocated support and expectations. The other person seeks more involvement
u/Stayy_Gold / Via
Text conversation discussing absence in the family, mentioning work as a reason. Asks for more communication and inclusion with the family
u/Stayy_Gold / Via
Text message expressing frustration and disappointment over lack of communication and perceived unfair treatment among family and friends
u/Stayy_Gold / Via

19.This dad who thought it was perfectly reasonable to keep his kid's insurance money:

Dad refusing to give his kid back their insurance money
u/LesbiHoenest / Via

20.And this dad who made his kid feel bad for wanting to get a COVID-19 vaccine:

Dad shaming his kid for getting the COVID-19 vaccine
u/Vocal-Kinklord / Via
Dad shaming his kid for getting the COVID-19 vaccine
u/Vocal-Kinklord / Via
Dad shaming his kid for getting the COVID-19 vaccine
u/Vocal-Kinklord / Via
Dad shaming his kid for getting the COVID-19 vaccine
u/Vocal-Kinklord / Via

If you are concerned that a child is experiencing or may be in danger of abuse, you can call or text the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453 (4.A.CHILD); service can be provided in over 140 languages.