21 Common Words You're (Probably) Saying All Kinds Of Wrong
English is anything but easy, so never mind trying to pronounce words that read as if someone were trying to play Scrabble for the first time. And sometimes, the most common words are the ones we mispronounce without even knowing it!
Here are 21 words you're (probably) saying wrong:
It's pronounced "uhk-seh-sr-ee."
People put a lot of stank on the "ACCESS" part of the word, but it is not pronounced the same as "ak-ses."
Mischievous is pronounced "mis-chuh-vuhs."
This is an example of a word that does not sound as it is spelled. It is not "miss-chee-vee-us," as some pronounce it.
You'd pronounce quinoa simply as "keen-wa."
Many cafe trips have gone awry because of this word. Please don't hurt yourself trying to pronounce it. Simply remember "keen-wa" as you are about to order.
You would pronounce it "kuh-brd."
The letters "c-u-p" are there but are not pronounced like the word cup.
The proper way to say etcetera is "et-set-uh-ruh."
There is no "ex" at the beginning of the word, yet it is often mispronounced that way. It also explains why some people (high school Jeremy) wrote "ect." instead of "etc."
Although people pronounce it differently, only one way is correct: "keh-ruh-muhl."
The "a-r-a" is there for a reason, so pronouncing it "car-muhl" makes virtually no sense.
It is pronounced "koo-paan."
Often mistaken as "cue-paan," the "cou-" is pronounced "koo."
"Feh-broo-eh-ree" is the proper pronunciation.
Some people say "Feb-U-ary," but the "r" is there for a reason.
Gif is pronounced "jiff."
Jif? I guess I'm gonna keep being wrong. Why the "G"?
The proper pronunciation for homage is "aa-muhj."
There is no emphasis on the "h" at the start of the word. Pretend it's not even there. Also, don't read the suffix "-age" as the word age.
Jewelry is only two syllables. "Jool-ree."
That's it. It's not "jool-er-ree" as some say it.
For oregano, it is pronounced "uh-reh-ga-now."
You do not pronounce the "o" and instead say "uh."
Sherbet is pronounced "shur-buht" and not "sure bet." It's delicious, but it can be tricky to say.
A lot of people read the suffix as "fick." The right way to say it is "spuh-si-fuhk."
That's right. We're basically dropping the F-bomb each time.
"Tem-pruh-chr" is the correct pronunciation of temperature.
There is no need to put so much stank on the "a" in temperature, but it probably explains why so many people spell it wrong, too.
This one is always tricky, but imagine toward is spelled "tord."
That's the correct pronunciation. Not "too-ward."
Gotcha. The pronounciation for boutique is "boo-teek."
"Aa-fn" is the only way to pronounce the word often.
It is, and never will be, pronounced "off-10" or "of-ten."
I don't blame anyone for this one. The word pseudonym is pronounced very simply as "soo-du-nim."
For me, it's the spelling. I've misspelled it so many times while writing this post.
The proper pronunciation of anyway is "eh-nee-way." There is no "ann" at the front of the word, and it uses more of an "eh" sound at the start.
21.And lastly: Prestigious
"Pruh-sti-juhs" is how to correctly say prestigious.
It's common for people to add a "stee" in the middle of this word despite the pronunciation being pretty clear in the spelling. Accidentally saying "pre" is understandable since it is the prefix. English, man, what're you gonna do? Am I right?
Is there a word you or someone you know mispronounces? Comment below!