21 Photos Of Some Frustratingly Bad Architectural Designs That Make Absolutely No Sense
1.This microwave that is placed in the spot usually reserved for the cabinet full of things that you don't need to access on a regular basis:
2.This hotel carpet that has an optical illusion that'll make anyone walking on it dizzy:
3.These tiles that maybe whoever designed them should have looked at it from all angles:
4.This faucet that is placed so low and close to the sink basin that it's impossible to wash your hands in it:
slangforweed / Via reddit.com
5.This airport drinking fountain that could have used a much larger basin:
6.The invisible tiled step on this staircase that is a serious hazard:
PETEJOZ / Via reddit.com
7.This wheelchair-accessible ramp that is...inaccessible:
8.This push sign that features a six-fingered hand:
9.This glass bus stop shelter that offers no protection from the sun and because of the angle of the roof, no protection from the rain either:
10.This pole that blocks the address to this building:
11.These clear urinal partitions that might as well not be there:
12.These urinal placements that really don't offer much privacy or room:
13.This hood and stove placement that is just off enough that it would drive me mad if I had to look it at daily:
14.This drawer placement that defies logic:
15.This top of a door that didn't need be glued to the ceiling:
16.This staircase and wall placement that I have lots of questions about:
17.This emergency door exit that you have to duck in order to use:
18.This slide that's all fun and games until a kid drops four feet off the ground at the end of it:
19.This throne that for some reason has it's own throne:
20.This frosted glass in a bathroom that could have been frostier:
21.And lastly, the person who painted this mural of Superman carrying a real-life drinking fountain at his waist:
h/t: r/BadDesigns