23 Brides And Grooms Who Forgot Everything They Knew About Human Decency Once They Started Planning Their Wedding

1.This person who thought it was reasonable to ask their friend to make a wedding cake for free:

Screenshot of a forum post by an anonymous member asking whether it's wrong to be offended that a friend asked for money to make a wedding cake for over 75 people
u/totalrandomness86 / Via reddit.com

2.This person who wanted a wedding photographer who was willing to be treated like crap:

A Facebook post searching for a wedding photographer who must work for free, have 8 years of experience, not take breaks, and bring their own food and drinks
Kinky_Nipplebear / Via reddit.com

3.This person who invited someone to their wedding because other people couldn't make it:

  u/rgmarch / Via reddit.com
u/rgmarch / Via reddit.com

4.This person who expected people in their bridal party to lose weight and ALSO send money to pay for the honeymoon:

Summary of the text: The writer expresses excitement for their different wedding planned for December in sunny Oklahoma, requests dresses in size 8 for the bridal party
u/House-Plant_ / Via reddit.com
Text summary: The image contains a message with strict beauty guidelines for a wedding, requiring short, uncolored nails, shoulder-length or longer straight hair, and no fake tans
u/House-Plant_ / Via reddit.com
Text summary: The message asks for no kids at the wedding, except the flower girl, and requests respect for the special day with no added demands. It also reminds guests to pay a $500 donation for the honeymoon
u/House-Plant_ / Via reddit.com

5.This person who refused to invite their friend's boyfriend of 10 years to the wedding:

Facebook post about a woman worried about disinviting her friend from her upcoming wedding in 2023. The friend cheated with the poster's fiancé 17 years ago
u/jintshirewopping / Via reddit.com

6.This person who couldn't have cared less about their guests having enough time to prepare for their wedding:

A Facebook post by an anonymous member discussing an upcoming wedding in late August and the logistical issues with guest accommodations and ceremony timing
u/girls_die_pretty / Via reddit.com

7.This person who threatened to disinvite people from their wedding for petty reasons:

A Facebook post dated May 7, 2020, expresses frustration about someone using a wedding invitation as a coaster, ending with an annoyed emoji. 15 comments are shown
u/nefariousdarkmatter / Via reddit.com

8.This person who demanded their bridesmaids sign a contract saying they'd pay a $100 deposit for the wedding:

Contract asking people in the wedding to pay a deposit of $100
u/kcs4920 / Via reddit.com

9.This person who did not approve of her maid of honor getting a tattoo:

"I know I am being selfish but she never told me and didn't warn me she was getting it"
u/mdnnnsph / Via reddit.com

10.This person who needed to borrow a car for their wedding and rejected offers VERY rudely:

"okay then NO!!"
u/weezy_latez / Via reddit.com
"Looking for something at least over 100k it's for my wedding"
u/weezy_latez / Via reddit.com

11.This person who thought a baker was an amateur because they couldn't make a huge last-minute cake:

"On TV they complete bigger cakes than this in a short time. Are you a beginner?"
u/Adora90 / Via reddit.com

12.This person who almost kicked bridesmaids out for not responding to her text:

"Girl calm down you literally just said if you can't adhere then let you know."
u/throwawaybridezillas / Via reddit.com

13.This person who didn't want her father-in-law to visit his dying father:

"FH's dad is flying to Florida with no return flight booked to visit a 105 year old man that probably won't even recognize him."
u/SoniaByNight / Via reddit.com

14.This person who — and I kid you not — asked her maid of honor to change her first name:

"change your name please."
u/secret_side_quest / Via reddit.com

15.This person who didn't want her bridesmaids to get pregnant:

"Am I over reacting?"
u/halapi / Via reddit.com

16.This influencer who was getting married and wanted to "pay" the florist by posting pictures of the flowers on their social media pages:

"so please especially in times like now help others by actually buying what you need and then posting reviews."
u/PepperBundle / Via reddit.com

17.This person's "no gray hair" policy for bridesmaids:

"Wedding is ten weeks away and I think her hair is only going to get worst."
u/willsingforpopcorn / Via reddit.com

18.This couple who uninvited guests from their wedding but still asked for money:

"If you would like to congratulate the bride and groom, rather than a registry, they are accepting money to aid in a beautiful honeymoon."
u/juaninazio / Via reddit.com

19.This person who wanted their caterers to buy clothes that matched their wedding theme:

"and now the bride wants us to match the wedding party...meaning buying something to wear that I can't afford."
u/Caa3098 / Via reddit.com

20.This person who demanded her maid of honor get her ears pierced:

"Also she's also thinking of backing out now."
u/cooljesus69 / Via reddit.com
"I just really don't want to get my ears pierced."
u/cooljesus69 / Via reddit.com

21.This person who insisted her bridesmaids cut their hair the same:

"Is it okay to demote a bridesmaid to regular guest if she didn't agree to cut her waist-length hair to shoulder-length?"
u/maybelle180 / Via reddit.com

22.This person who didn't want their friend to get married the same year as them:

"I want to say no as I would like it to be about me for once in my life..."
u/charliebouncecloud / Via reddit.com

23.And finally, this couple who posted a list of restrictions for their wedding:

"No apple watches allowed"
u/moondoo8 / Via reddit.com