32 Things That Used To Be In Basically Every School On Earth 30 Years Ago That Pretty Much Zero Schools Have Now
1.If you can PICTURE the room in your old school with floors like this...
2.If you've ever washed your hands with this strange pink soap that only existed in schools...
3.Or this kind of soap...
4.Probably in a sink like this...
5.If you've ever had to use this in a classroom...
6.If you are lucky to have all your fingers after dealing with one of these...
7.If you've ever been assured getting underneath one of these will protect you from a nuclear bomb...
8.If you've watched someone open one of these markers and immediately smelled its intense aroma...
9.If you remember using these scissors that made your fingers feel IMMEDIATELY sore...
10.If you took attendance like an ancient scribe...
11.If you've ever performed manual labor to get a pencil sharp...
12.If you know exactly what these two things were used for...
13.If you've ever been flung off one of these at 100 mph...
14.If you've ever been forced to do this after misbehaving...
Can you think of an old classmate you got in trouble with? Send this to them and remind them of your wild days!
15.If you've ever pulled this trick...
16.If you got hours of enjoyment out of a ball on a rope...
17.If you ever received a good old fashioned hand-written report card...
18.If you can still smell this machine...
19.If you learned to drive using one of these ancient contraptions...
20.If you know exactly what this is...
21.If just looking at these makes you anxious...
22.If you became a master salesperson after dealing with these...
23.If you've ever used what many have affectionately referred to as "vintage Google:"
24.If you can practically hear the sound of this map snapping back upwards...
25.If you ever had the pleasure of using this glue...
26.If you ever missed a due date...
27.If you know exactly what this is used for...
28.If you ever took a class where you learned to write like this...
29.If you ever had a nice, relaxing class after someone rolled one of these in...
30.If you've ever took a peak at a teacher's grade book that looked like this...
31.If you know that one of these made you instantly cool...
32.And if you've clapped together two erasers and saw that big giant toxic cloud of smoke...
Then, guess what? You are officially old. Congrats!