35 Times Customers Proved That They Are Unquestionably The Absolute Dumbest People On Planet Earth
If you have ever worked in the service industry, it's no secret that one of the absolute worst parts of the job is the wide variety of customers you come across literally EVERY single day.
Here's proof that customers can be some of, and just might be, the dumbest people on the planet:
1.On pizzas:
2.On pancakes:
3.On fish:
4.On cocktails:
5.On sizing:
6.On blue cheese:
7.On pricing:
8.On doneness:
9.On fine wines:
10.On mozzarella sticks:
11.On wings:
12.On precise amounts:
13.On steak cuts:
14.On fine dining:
15.On shades:
16.On mimosas:
17.On shrimp:
18.On pasta:
19.On those subtle differences
20.On BLTs:
21.On deals:
22.On hardware stores:
23.On seafood:
24.On mixed drinks:
25.On convenience:
26.On gluten free dishes:
27.On eating outside:
28.On Uncle Arnie:
29.On axes:
30.On nachos and burgers:
31.On delicious drinks:
32.On garden salads:
33.On Dunkin Donuts:
34.On mochas:
35.And on flying: