40 People Who 2024 Has Been So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So Cruel To
1.This person who bought a pie at the store only to get home and learn that it was uncooked:
2.This person who wanted to make dinner for Thanksgiving at their apartment:
3.These people who were warned about a high tide but were not prepared for this:
4.This person whose monitors fell while they were asleep:
5.This person who got hit by a school bus while using the library's WiFi in their car:
6.This person who locked themself out of their hotel room while on the balcony:
7.This person whose wall paint was melted by their PS5 exhaust:
8.This person who found a stink bug trapped between the panes of their microwave:
9.This person whose car was hit by a fallen tree AND also got a traffic ticket:
10.This person who received their luggage in this condition at the airport baggage claim:
11.This person whose closet railing broke from the weight of their wardrobe:
12.This hungry traveler who ordered fish and chips and was served this:
13.This person who sneezed so hard, they actually damaged their back in the process:
14.This person whose Doordasher delivered their food to the wrong place...on purpose:
15.This person whose dog chewed up their passport just DAYS before they had to leave for a trip:
16.These people who discovered an ant infestation at work when they opened these cupboards to make coffee:
17.This person who left their breakfast unattended for a second and came back to a surprise:
18.This person who dropped a bowl of cereal right on top of their desk and computer:
19.This person whose package was placed in the locker in a way that was almost impossible to retrieve:
20.This person who drove two hours to see an old flame, got cancelled on, and blew out a tire on the drive home:
21.This person whose coworker accidentally locked them inside the porta-potty before going off to lunch:
22.This person who found a worm in their can of peaches after they'd already ate a bunch of it:
23.This person who walked into their room and found a new house guest:
24.This person who sweat through their pants right before a job interview:
25.This person who got locked in their bathroom and had to break out:
26.This person who found out their washable pillows weren't so washable after all:
27.This person whose water bottle shrunk in the dishwasher:
28.This person who opened a cupboard above the stove which a candle then fell out of:
29.This person whose expensive hot sauce arrived in this condition:
30.This person who had to suffer the consequences after their neighbor's pipe broke:
31.This person whose car fell victim to a stray cooler that was on the highway:
32.This person who realized the person they sold their iPad to gave them fake cash:
33.This person who wanted to take a soothing bath in their hotel room after a really long day:
34.This person who got locked inside the park:
35.This person who learned they were allergic to literally every tree:
36.This person whose wife washed their jeans with a blanket:
37.This person who left fresh brownies by a window, which a squirrel then took advantage of:
38.This person who opened their safe and found their passport and $2,000 of cash moldy from water damage:
39.This person who went on break at work and found their car like this:
40.And lastly, this person who left their garden hose running over night and accidentally flooded their basement: