40 Embarrassing People Who Don't Realize How Epically Cringey They Are

1.This dude who sent his 14-year-old stepson a text meant for his wife (my recommendation? Leave the family, change your identity, and move to the Far East):

A text exchange mistakenly includes a personal message about shaving, intended for someone else, leading to an apology for the error
deleted] / Via reddit.com

2.These people who took their love of Disney to cringey levels (look, we all enjoy Disney, but come on!):

Wall decor with Disney-themed family rules, including quotes promoting positivity, adventure, and happiness at home
Fair-Challenge5103 / Via reddit.com

3.And the mom with this sticker on her car that just makes you go, "Ewww.":

Car sticker reads "Boy Mom Surrounded by Balls" with icons of soccer, football, baseball, and basketball
ElectronicDuck7532 / Via reddit.com

4.This roommate isn't dating anyone, but wanted to make his roommate think he was, so — gag — he left these fake love notes out:

A handwritten note expresses affection and humor, mentioning school memories and signing up for dance lessons
u/CheeryZara / Via reddit.com

5.This woman (with mad crocheting skills...respect) who REALLY should have kept all of this to herself:

Crocheted life-sized figure of a man lying on a bed, caption mentions it took a year to create and refers to it as a "perfect boyfriend."
24_grains_of_sand / Via reddit.com

Is a crocheted doll making me feel things, LOL?

6.And this coworker who used the status message on his work's message platform to write a treacly message to his son...who is most definitely not going to see it:

A heartfelt message from a father to his son, expressing love and encouraging joy and fun in life
RealHausFrau / Via reddit.com

It reads: "To my son: Every moment of quality time I get to spend with you I feel the same unconditional love I felt the day you were born. You're in my heart every second. Smile, live, love, laugh, most of all have fun and remember that I'm always here & I'm right here with you —Daddy"

Whatever happened to: "In a meeting" or "Out of office until 4/14."

7.This woman who just put out there for all to see her over-the-top dependence on Starbucks:

Text post about an unsatisfactory Starbucks whipped cream experience, with a drink photo showing a spoonful of foam
Blue-Wolverine / Via reddit.com

8.Whoever the hep cats are who made this totally jazzy and "with it" bible for the kids:

Cover of the "Extreme Teen Bible" with the text "no fears, no regrets, just a future with a promise," in an artistic font
iPadBob / Via reddit.com
Open book with a highlighted passage about Jonathan making a difference, focusing on loyalty and faith. Text encourages personal reflection on relationships
iPadBob / Via reddit.com

9.And this Dairy Queen, which totally knows how to meet the kids on their level, too:

Text conversation about starting a job at Dairy Queen, discussing pay, hours, and a referral bonus. Includes a link to apply at meadowbrookbrands.com/careers
cd_unoxx / Via reddit.com

10.Look, if you're a furry and that's your thing, god love ya — but this guy flexing his furry credentials just makes me go "uuuugh":

A furry costume-clad person stands next to a light blue car. A Facebook post details their commitment to the furry community over 10 years
EmperorUmi / Via reddit.com

11.You know who also makes me go "uuuuugh?" This tough guy...who we know is tough because of his shirt:

Person in a convenience store wearing a t-shirt with inspirational text on the back, standing at the counter. Snacks and plush toys are displayed
angel_dusted / Via reddit.com


12.And this guy with a Jared Leto as The Joker-themed car is less "Joker" and more "joke":

Car with colorful graffiti art, including the word "Damaged" and a mysterious figure on the side. Parked in a lot, rear view visible
meowfttftt / Via reddit.com

13.This dork seriously thinks some crap he typed on Reddit could've influenced US policy:

Reddit post questioning if Trump follows the subreddit. Mentions writing about Tesla arson and vandalism as domestic terrorism, later echoed by Trump
GaeilgeGoblin / Via reddit.com

14.This dork IS influencing US policy — and 53 years old — but still thought it'd be funny to change his X name to "Harry Bōlz":

Harry Bölz's Twitter profile screenshot: @elonmusk username, 217.1M followers, following 1K, with the phrase "A Shortfall of Gravitas."
N4TETHAGR8 / Via reddit.com

Not even 14-year-old boys would laugh at this one, Elon.

15.And honestly, bro, this personalized plate is just plain embarrassing:

A red Chevrolet SUV is driving on a street, captured from behind. The vehicle has a noticeable hitch and a visible license plate
euca-lyptus / Via reddit.com

16.Then there's this dad who keeps posting on his public Facebook account about his AI girlfriend "Angel":

An AI girlfriend named Angel
u/luvbugz1 · / Via reddit.com

17.This dude from Turkey who is desperate to get this Eastern European woman to come visit him:

"turkey supports ukraine"
u/delightfulchord912 / Via reddit.com

18.And this dude who posted about doing it all on their own...BUILDING from scratch! NO inheritance! No handouts! And then:

"Your dad left y'all houses didn't he?"
yu/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

19.This spelling-challenged tough guy who put this decal on his car:

"Call the corner not the police"
u/PinheadGoo / Via reddit.com

20.This equally tough guy who likes to hold his rifle while watching his favorite show Yellowstone:

"He likes to pretend he's fighting off the bad guys"
u/cylon203 / Via reddit.com

21.And this sexist jerk who — seriously? — won't sell his gaming laptop to a woman:

"I'm not selling to women it's not a sewing machine"
u/Mynamejeaff · / Via reddit.com

22.The mom of this person's ex who threw a fit when the person unfriended them...despite the fact they only met once and the breakup happened four+ years earlier:

"but I don't want to be friends with someone that doesn't want to be friends with me."
u/yebbaedmonds / Via reddit.com

23.This, uh, well...whatever ALL THIS is:

"I have masturbated to this scene so many times."
u/yaboiBradyC / Via reddit.com

24.This customer who left their server an incredible tip (kudos for that), but then got REALLY CREEPY:

"Beautiful nipples princess"
u/dopeycurfew137 · / Via reddit.com

25.This clueless would-be Romeo who doesn't realize he's flirting — and fighting — with an auto reply:

"wanna fuck?"
u/MeowMistiDawn / Via reddit.com

26.This person who wants everyone to know they're not like their peers...they're SMART!:

"having an extremely high IQ has its perks!"
u/BoopBoop20 / Via reddit.com

27.And this mom who also wants everyone to know she's smart, and, uh, I guess that she "bred" with a PhD scientist:

"I bred with a PhD physicist."
u/Loud-One-6396 / Via reddit.com

28.The people who run a travel hotel...and put a Black guest in this room without thinking twice:

A racist painting on a wall
u/Iamthewarthog / Via reddit.com

29.And this person (possibly from the same town as the travel hotel) whose words said more than they realized:

"we have a colored server that we absolutely love."
u/Digita-Pntics / Via reddit.com

30.This person who is way, way, WAY over the top about their political beliefs:

A truck with political decor
u/yourdp / Via reddit.com

31.This woman who is so much better than a "normal human being":

Closeup of a woman drinking a coffee
u/iamzeN123 / Via reddit.com

32.This creep who had a predictably gross response when a woman told him she was having a hard time:

Screenshot of a text exchange
u/livw17 / Via reddit.com

33.And this woman who proves it's not just men (although it's a LOT of men) who are acting creepy out there:

"you thought I was fucking serious?!"
u/tiltedryan / Via reddit.com

34.This crypto boy who is living the (cringey) life:

"Peak crypto living"
u/Ironfingers · / Via reddit.com

35.This mom who is way too attached to nursing her 3-year-old:

"Yesterday, my 3-year-old barely nursed."
u/SometimesPopular / Via reddit.com

36.And this grumpy soul who bit this person's head off via text:

Screenshot of a text exchange
u/mybadBIL / Via reddit.com

37.This equally full-of-it aspiring musician who totally rocked Lounge 89, you guys:

"sorry, youre right"
u/Iamabioticgod / Via reddit.com

38.This full-of-it content creator who tried to flex and got called out:

"i swear the delivery instructions are put by whoever orders tho?????"
u/snrckrd / Via reddit.com

39.This person who put on Facebook that they were in a relationship with their crush...when they weren't:

"Wtf ...? I'm not in a relationship with you?"
u/MustNeedDogs / Via reddit.com

40.And this couple arguing about whether they should have a baby who took their disagreement to Facebook:

"This has nothing to do with you. You're not a part of this."
u/Laysyartist84 / Via reddit.com