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50 Pictures That Will Make You Say, "So THAT'S What That Looks Like"

Do you ever think about how there are hundreds — if not thousands — of everyday things we regularly use but have never seen the inside of?

Person in a sporty jacket, sitting thoughtfully with numbers in the background

To be honest, I never had until I started to see these wild photos, but they're super interesting! Check 'em out:

1.First, this is what the inside of a space suit looks like! Imagine climbing into that thing and then stepping out!

Open astronaut suit with visible internal components, designed for space missions, showcasing the complexity of life-support systems for survival
SamoFanan / Via

Specifically, this is a Russian Orlan suit used by the Russian space program, but NASA has used very similar suits for space walks, too.

2.You know those rubber bullets police shoot to disperse crowds during riots or protests? This is what's on the inside — the ball is made out of aluminum.

A cracked olive with a marble-sized ball inside is on a wooden table, next to a knife with a blue handle
WhiteComet99 / Via

3.And this is what the inside of a pine cone looks like.

Hand holding a unique, textured seed pod with intricate patterns, resembling a natural, detailed carving
MrBonelessPizza24 / Via

4.The inside of a fire alarm is waaaaay less complicated than I imagined — it's basically just a switch.

Fire alarm on a wall with its cover open, exposing internal components

5.This is what the inside of a Coca-Cola Freestyle soda fountain looks like — check out all those flavor cartridges.

Soda machine with its side panel open, revealing syrup cartridges and a touch screen interface for drink selection
Midwest-Designs / Via

6.And here's the inside of a subway ticket machine in Japan. There's a lot going on in there!

Subway ticket gate under repair with visible internal electronic components; two workers in uniforms are performing maintenance
Argentas / Via

7.This is what the inside of a box of tissues looks like — look at how intricately the tissues are folded!

Tissues neatly arranged in a box, with some tissues pulled out at the top

8.Here's the inside of a party popper, which has paper folded even more meticulously.

Close-up of a hand holding a cross-section of a crayon showing multiple colors

9.And here's the inside of a tank — man, I didn't realize just how cramped it was in there!

Educational display of a tank interior cross-section showing mannequins in military uniforms demonstrating the crew's positions and controls
Michael_Scofield91 / Via

10.You've sat in a chair like this a million times — here's what it looks like on the inside.

A partially deconstructed couch showing its inner springs, padding, and frame for instructional purposes in a showroom setting
oneyozfest182 / Via

11.This isn't the set of a '90s rap video — it's the inside of a cheese grater!

Inside view of a metallic grater with multiple small holes, creating a textured pattern
jakeolmstead / Via

12.And this — drool — is what Ben & Jerry's ice cream looks like inside the package.

Ben & Jerry's Topped Salted Caramel Brownie ice cream carton sliced open to reveal layers and chunks inside next to a knife on a wooden surface

13.This is the inside of a fireworks shell — lots of stuff to blow up and fill the sky in there!

Hand holding a homemade craft resembling a snail shell made of spiraled cardboard and beads
dittidot / Via

14.This isn't someone's ritzy apartment — it's the inside of a guitar.

Intricate wooden guitar interior, showcasing detailed inlay work and craftsmanship, viewed from inside the soundhole

15.And did you know the inside of a quarter was...copper?

Two U.S. coins fused together, bending upward, against a dark background
IReadItOnReddit69 / Via

16.This is what it looks like inside an air mattress — is it weird to say I wish I could walk around in there?

View through a circular lens of a narrow hallway with translucent vertical panels, leading to a bright light source at the end

17.This is what the inside of a Redbox machine looks like...lots of movies to fill in there!

Person organizing DVDs inside a Redbox machine, with a stack of DVDs and equipment nearby

18.And this is the inside of a crematorium.

Concrete tunnel with arched ceiling, leading to a small square opening at the far end. The walls are rough-textured. No people are present
naturebeatsnurture / Via

19.This is the inside of a mechanical calculator — they're not needed much these days, but these were quite the impressive contraption, don't you think?

Complex mechanical contraption resembling a typewriter with intricate metal parts and a roll of paper
BufordTeeJustice / Via

20.This is the inside of a gas pump (I guess I lost the bet with my third-grade best friend Dale that there's a little gremlin in there running things).

Inside view of an open gas pump cabinet showing exposed wires and components, surrounded by caution tape

21.And this is what the inside of a jawbreaker looks like — honestly, why don't they sell these as jawbreaker slices? I'd buy them!

Cross-section of a multi-layered rainbow swirl candy against a wooden surface

22.This iPad cover has some surprisingly janky insides.

Open black parcel reveals multiple boxes of Colgate toothpaste inside

23.Ditto for this slap bracelet.

A hand points at a child’s slap bracelet with heart patterns, wrapped around a ruler on a wooden surface

24.And this long-reach lighter just has a smaller lighter inside of it!

Disassembled lighter showing internal components on a wooden table with a floral tablecloth

25.This is the inside of a bowling ball.

Person holding a green Nerf Vortex football in a store
AugyD / Via

26.This is the inside of a soccer ball.

A torn soccer ball sits open on a table next to a computer mouse and keyboard, revealing its inner lining and structure

27.This is the inside of a golf ball.

A hand holds a cut-open golf ball, revealing its inner structure

28.And this is the inside of a baseball!

Craft materials on grass: yarn balls, a woven piece, and a string mesh on paper

29.Believe it or not, but this is not the inside of a beehive — it's the inside of an Ikea desk top!

Close-up of a damaged honeycomb cardboard piece with torn layers revealing hexagonal cells, on a textured surface

30.This is what's inside a K-Cup (not so impressive looking, if you ask me).

A broken plastic cup partly peeled open, exposing a compacted beige powder inside, held by a person's hand

31.And if you entirely fill in an Etch A Sketch, you can see the mechanics inside of it!

Child holding a small purple Etch A Sketch, with lines drawn on the screen, while gripping two green knobs

32.Here's something I guarantee you haven't seen before — the die from inside a Magic 8 Ball...outside the ball!

A hand holds a 20-sided die with phrases like "Outlook not so good" and "It is decidedly so," used for decision-making or fun predictions

33.Here's the inside of a concrete mixer, which looks surprisingly majestic.

Inside view of a spiral stone staircase winding upwards with natural light at the center, resembling a seashell shape

34.And this is what's inside a bottle of shaving gel!

Two Nivea Men shaving gel containers, one traditional canister and one eco-friendly refill pouch, held in a person's hand

35.Here's the circuitry inside a debit card.

A damaged credit card with visible circuitry and blurred information, possibly indicating expired or invalid status

36.Here's what is inside as Rubik's Cube.

Toy puzzle with five plastic cubes in a person's hand, each cube has a colored top: blue, red, white, orange, and yellow
derallo / Via

37.And if it sounds like there's a marble rolling around inside your can of spray paint, that's because there is! (Its purpose is to act as a mixing agent, breaking up any settled particles within the paint when you shake it.)

Damaged aerosol can with exposed metal next to a green marble on a white surface
Nocturnal_Majesty / Via

38.This is what's inside a cup of ramen.

Cup of instant noodles with a section cut out, revealing uncooked noodles

39.This is what the inside of pool tables at a pool hall look like.

An upside-down pool table showing the underside structure and legs, in a room with a gaming poster in the background
Adzz2707 / Via

40.And this is what the inside of an ATM looks like (when opened up from the back).

Inside view of an open ATM, revealing various components including a keyboard, printer, and cash storage sections
GravityDarkening / Via

41.This is what the inside of a room for sperm collection looks like.

Small, cozy waiting room with black couch, TV, padded walls, a round mirror, and soft lighting. Paintings and magazines add a welcoming touch
HenryFondleCEO / Via

It'd be these paintings that do it for me, LOL.

Two framed paintings of women in swimwear, each posing differently
HenryFondleCEO / Via

Ooh la la!

42.This is what the inside of a hose looks like — sort of like a water balloon!

Plastic bottle used as an improvised outdoor hose shield against a brick wall

43.And — huh — this is what the inside of a fire hydrant looks like.

Cutaway model of an industrial valve display showing internal components, such as springs and pistons, in a room with metal cabinets in the background

44.Here's the inside of a pocket — the photographer accidentally took a photo with their phone in their pants.

Abstract image with numerous circular blur effects, creating a bokeh pattern. No discernible objects or text are present

45.Holy crap, here's the inside of a 240-foot-high tower crane.

View from inside a crane operator's cab, overlooking a construction site with buildings and roads below. Operator is seated, handling controls

46.And here's the inside of a toaster — it sort of looks like the gates to hell, huh?

Close-up interior view of a toaster heating up, with glowing coils visible

47.This is what was on the inside of a dog's chew toy (good job, doggo!).

Hand holding a round object with text: "GAME OVER YOUR DOG WON DISCARD THIS SQUEAKER."

48.This is a look at the inside of the classic British sports car MG MGB...that's a whole lot of engine!

Cross-section view of a vintage car engine and interior in a museum, showcasing mechanical details and retro design elements
TobyDonn / Via

49.This is what's on the inside of a bouncy ball.

Two colorful bottle caps with abstract designs on wooden surface

50.And lastly, this is what the inside of a dog's ear looks like...disturbingly like Donald Trump's profile!

Two monkeys snuggled closely, one appears to be a baby, emphasizing a tender parental bond