Americans Are Sharing The "Normal, Everyday" Aspects About The US That Are Actually Dystopian, And I Can't Believe We Tolerate Some Of These

I'm an American, and I've read too many dystopian books to know that some things about the States are a bit too similar for my taste. Especially since it's an election year, things have been more chaotic than usual, which in turn has made me reflect a lot more about the ~state of our nation~. So, out of curiosity, I asked American BuzzFeed Community members to share what everyday aspects of living in the United States are actually super dystopian, and some of these responses are way too real:

1."Having to say a pledge stating your devotion to the US, and being shamed or sometimes even punished if you don't."

A group of young children stands in a classroom with their right hands over their hearts, facing an American flag during the Pledge of Allegiance
Mark Wilson / Getty Images

2."The government making my kids have active shooter drills in school instead of controlling guns."


3."I find it strange that we put out flag EVERYWHERE — clothes, hats, stickers, mugs, cups, and more. I find it even more strange that we modify the flag we claim to be so proud of. There's a blue line for law enforcement, a red line for emergency services, and so many more. If we love our flag so much, isn't modifying it a sort of desecration?"

People gather at a rally holding American flags and a pro-police thin blue line flag, standing behind a barricade, discussing an event

—Dara, 50, New Jersey

Erik Mcgregor / LightRocket via Getty Images

4."Credit scores and everything that requires a good one. I befriended someone who'd just moved from Sweden, and he was unable to get a phone plan or get on a rental lease because he had no credit history. Since I got my first credit card, I used it for all my purchases but paid it in full each month, building a good score — or so I thought. When I went for a car loan, I was denied because I was a 'thin file,' meaning I never paid any interest. I also had to suffer after having a tooth break apart after starting a new job. My insurance benefits wouldn't kick in for a few months, so the dentists recommended I apply for 'Care Credit.' I was declined because my credit rating was trash. But it's absurd that anyone would need to take out a line of credit for medical care anyway!"


5."Buying and selling children — aka adoption."


6."Dental work is astronomical, even with insurance. Yeah, cleanings are free, but if you ever need anything more than a filling, it's just not something that can be budgeted for. Due to having a now-overcome addiction, my husband needs pretty much all of his teeth removed and replaced, but we barely live paycheck-to-paycheck as it is. I hate that he has to live like this and that people see him with missing teeth. He did the hard work quitting his addiction, but his confidence is basically nonexistent now."

Patient receiving a dental exam from a dentist. Dental tools and equipment are visible in the background. No celebrity present
Karen Moskowitz

7."Rich people running the country into the ground because of greed. The majority are struggling or can no longer afford housing, food, clothes, water, etc. Those are basic necessities."


8."When I was pregnant with my second child, I knew it would be my last. I told my doctor that I wanted my tubes tied. The doctor said, 'You need to think about this more.' It baffles me that our society still doesn't trust women to know their own minds and wants."

A doctor, wearing a white coat and holding a tablet, comforts a woman who appears distressed in a medical office setting
Ljubaphoto / Getty Images

9."The gerrymandering that goes on in some states so that the 'old guard' can stay in power. There's a lot of talk about how we can vote and have a choice and that America isn't a monarchy, but voting stations in huge parts of states get closed for no reason. In Georgia, you're not allowed to give someone waiting in a wildly long voting line a bottle of water. It's very creepy that some people think it's not a big deal."


10."The fact that a person can work a full-time job and not make a living wage, all while shareholders make millions off someone else's labor."

A factory worker in a safety vest wipes sweat from his forehead inside a manufacturing plant, surrounded by industrial machinery

11."I am a Christian. The rise of Christian nationalism upsets me. Like any relationship, my relationship with Jesus Christ is MY choice. Jesus didn't force his disciples to follow him; they chose to. Our founding fathers declared FREEDOM OF RELIGION, which means Americans can choose to follow Christ, not be forced to."

—Sarah, 44, Minnesota

12."The rise in people against SCIENCE. From vaccines and masks to everything being a 'conspiracy' and denying truth and science. It's alarming."

A healthcare worker wearing blue gloves applies a bandage to a woman's upper arm after a vaccination. The woman is looking away
Juanma Hache / Getty Images

13."The working class being gaslit by the 1% to blame the rest of the working class for all of their problems. The amount of people I see thinking their tax dollars are paying for student loan forgiveness, social security, WIC, Medicaid, or welfare is just so ridiculous. You can literally look up exactly where your tax dollars are going. It's not 'fake news;' it's readily available. Also, student loan forgiveness is exactly that: FORGIVENESS. The debt is wiped away, not paid for by anyone else. Hell, most of us have already paid for our student loans twice over and STILL owe more than what we originally borrowed. This isn't rocket science."


14."In this day and age, it's so strange seeing Trump supporters wearing caps and shirts with Trump's mugshot on them. I've seen some with the words, 'I'm voting for a convicted felon!' on them. In what other country is this common? The worship of celebrities needs to stop, especially since several have been elected into important positions without any governmental experience or knowledge. They almost always are terrible at these jobs. Trump is quintessential proof."

A person is wearing a shirt with Donald Trump's face and the words "Never Surrender" showing a stern expression. They are holding a blue flag in the background
Jim Vondruska / Getty Images

15."The escalation of surveillance over every aspect of our lives! It reminds me of 1984."

—Alicia, 69

16."Not getting paid maternity/paternity leave unless you work in very specific sectors of the federal government. Additionally, not getting a decent amount of paid leave after your child's birth. Women will return after a few days because they fear losing their jobs."

Pregnant woman wearing a headset and yellow dress working at a desk with notebooks, glass of water, and laptop in a home office setting
Anchiy / Getty Images

17."The idea that we're supposed to live for our jobs. I'm sick of waking up and working all the damn time. Every time we have a major life change or event like marriage, giving birth, death, divorce, graduation, etc., we all have to consider our employers and what the customers want — after every little thing. We're not being paid enough to keep up with the price of housing, food, or medical care, but I'll be damned if everyone making less than $100k isn't always called upon to keep the economy going and continue working. I'm just over it."

A man sits in a car, looking frustrated and resting his face in his hands. The image relates to an article about work and money
Ciricvelibor / Getty Images

18."We pay billions for weapons we never use. Meanwhile, plenty of servicemen and women use food stamps to survive. Our military and veterans need to be better paid."


19."It is very dystopian how normalized mass shootings have become in the US. I remember when Sandy Hook shocked the nation and caused extreme outrage. The story was covered for months, covering everything from the outrage to the efforts to change gun laws. Now, a mass shooting is reported almost once a week, and all the government does is send their thoughts and prayers. This should not be normalized!"


20."As teenagers, we're allowed and even encouraged to take out thousands of dollars in student loans. That, or we're encouraged to join the military and learn how to kill people (usually civilians) half a world away. But we can't drink alcohol until we're 21, and half of the country still can't legally smoke weed, either."

A person sits on a sofa, holding a document, with a laptop open, a cup of coffee, and financial papers on a white table in front of them, likely working from home

—Kasey, 26, Washington DC

Pekic / Getty Images

21.Lastly: "The disturbing attitude that if you can't afford housing, food, or medical assistance, then you're a 'waste of humanity.' Communities of unhoused citizens are cornered into rough living spaces and largely ignored by the government because of the idea that it was their fault for ending up there. Getting public assistance is a massive headache, as it is difficult to prove you deserve it. Pair that with rapidly rising inflation rates, and it's nearly impossible to afford food, rent, and every other necessity all on your own."

—Soph, 25, Hawaii

Well, that was depressing. If you're American, what's something that's become totally normal in the States that is actually very dystopian? Let me know in the comments, or you can anonymously submit using this form.

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.