Five-year-old player has three girlfriends, only wants two

It's hard out here for a kid.

One cute five-year-old boy is facing one of the biggest decisions of his young life: Which of his three girlfriends should he part with?

"I can have two," he says, "But I don't want three. It's like, I have to give one up."

When his mom asks him how he's going to decide who makes the cut, the stressed-out Casanova seems defeated:

"I don't know. It's like, they're all pretty."

His ultimate conclusion? "I wish I was four again."

Don't we all, kid. Don't we all.

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The folks at Gawker, on the other hand, wish they could commiserate with the youngster's problem.

As the grumpy neighbour in It's a Wonderful Life wisely exclaimed, "Youth is wasted on the wrong people!"

The cute viral video inspired Redditors to share their tales of young love.

"It wasn't any easier at 4 kid," writes Reddit user TURRISDAYNightHockey. "My daughter says to me this morning, when I told her she was beautiful, 'Thanks, I hope Charlie notices me today.' She is almost four and attends nursery school. (Charlie wears bow-ties to school to impress her)."

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"I had two girlfriends when I was 8. Valentines day came around and my mum bought me one of those necklaces that have the heart split in half to give to another person. I gave a piece to both of them," writes FoolsPower.

"I showed this to my five year old who explained that the boy should dump the girl that's not the 'kissiest,'" writes Sanityandespresso.

While some little kids are trying to simplify their love lives — or avoid unwanted marriages — others are high-fiving over first kisses.

Did you have a girlfriend or boyfriend in kindergarten? (And did the relationship end with the discovery of cooties?)