Cancer December 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Daniel Egneus

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Cancer personality profile.

Welcome to December, Cancer. Last month was rather romantic, thanks to lover Venus moving into your seventh House. December ends romantically as well, thanks to a new moon affecting your seventh. However, know that there is a chance your libido may fluctuate, thanks to the warrior planet Mars going retrograde starting on Friday, December 6. However, this may affect your professional life more than your sex drive, as it is retrograding in your second House. Everyone says that Cancers rule the home, and it's true you do have a cozy reputation. However, you also have pinchers and can be rather assertive. When Mars retrogrades, it's a chance to work on curating balance between these two sides of your personality.

Also on Friday, December 6, the generous planet Venus moves into your sexy and transformative eighth House. These vibes should offset some of the effect that Mars retrograde has on your libido, further demonstrating that its retrograde is more about your work/life balance. However, the next day, Saturday, December 7, Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, moves into your eighth House of Sex, Death, and Transformation. This sees you rethinking how you approach pleasure. You may want to try something new with a partner, or if you're single or just interested in seeking enjoyment alone, consider trying a new sex toy. It's also an excellent time to play with different beauty routines. Check out our Best of Beauty eye makeup winners for inspiration.

On Saturday, December 7, the dreamy planet Neptune ends its retrograde and goes direct in Pisces and your ninth House of Philosophy. When Neptune goes direct, it brings clarity to an area of our lives. With Neptune direct in your ninth House, be aware that this date could bring rather epic spiritual understanding. There's a decent chance that you've felt some roadblocks in this area lately. If you feel compelled to attend church, work with tarot cards, or call upon ancestors, give into whatever your intuition is telling you.

The sky lights up with a full moon in Gemini that affects your heady 12th House on Sunday, December 15. Full moons are the moon phase associated with culmination and manifestation. As this area of your chart is also super spiritual, be on the watch for breakthroughs around this date. It's a wonderful day to meditate. Also, on Sunday, December 15, messenger Mercury ends its pesky retrograde and goes direct. This aids in the ease that spiritual breakthroughs may occur on this date.

One of your tasks this month is to find work/life balance.

The sun enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice on Saturday, December 21. This is the shortest day of the year. It's also Yule, which you can think of as a witchy Christmas. Celebrate by lighting candles to set intentions and spending time with friends and family. For the next few weeks, the sun is in your seventh House. This means that you're going to have a very romantic Capricorn season! While we associate Capricorn with hard work, as Mars is retrograde you likely will want to relax with lovers. Remember, one of your tasks this month is to find a work/life balance. If you're not dating, know that the next few weeks are equally valuable for spending time with friends.

Chiron, the wounded healer, goes direct in your 10th House of Social Status on Sunday, December 29. When Chiron goes direct it brings soothing to an area of your life. Regarding your 10th House, it ties a ribbon on your work/life times of the month. After giving the matter reflection, you are able to come up with a schedule that works for you, Cancer.

December winds down a romantic Capricorn new moon affecting your seventh House on Monday, December 30. As this affects your seventh House, this lunation could see many of you going on first dates or experiencing rom-com-worthy meet-cutes. And if you're already in a relationship, this new moon should see you reconnect with your partner, so try to have a romantic date around this lunation, too.

Important dates in December 2024:

Friday, December 6: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Friday, December 6: Venus enters Aquarius
Saturday, December 7: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Saturday, December 7: Neptune goes direct in Pisces
Sunday, December 15: Full moon in Gemini 
Sunday, December 15: Mercury goes direct
Saturday, December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
Sunday, December 29: Chiron goes direct
Monday, December 30: New moon in Capricorn

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of December 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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