Should you take the cold plunge? Does it boost your immune system? New research
Fitness influencers and actors like Mark Wahlberg have been sharing the benefits of ice baths and why they take the cold plunge. Previous studies reveal the many advantages of sinking into the bitter cold, including triggering the release of dopamine, noradrenaline, and beta-endorphins that can relieve pain and boost your mood.
Research highlights how ice baths and cold water immersion can improve immune function and athletic performance and lower inflammation in sore muscles. So, is it worth feeling that icy discomfort to enhance your immune system? Recently, researchers explored the psychological, cognitive, and physiological effects of cold water immersion in healthy adults with interesting results on inflammation. Let’s delve into the new research.
The study
In a meta-analysis published in the journal PLOS One, researchers from the University of South Australia examined data from 11 studies involving 3,177 people who took the cold plunge. Each participant was immersed in an ice bath or cold shower at 15 degrees Celsius or less for at least 30 seconds.
The results
Interestingly, this study showed a significant increase in inflammation immediately following the ice bath and one hour after, indicating an inflammatory response. The researchers didn’t detect any significant effects on stress for the first hour, 24 hours after, or 48 hours following cold exposure.
That being said, while the meta-analysis didn’t reveal any notable benefits on immune function immediately after or one hour after cold exposure, the results did indicate longer-term benefits and a 29% reduction in sickness as well as improvements in sleep quality and quality of life.
The take-home
This study confirms the many positive reasons to sink into the iciness, including boosting your sleep, immune system, and quality of life. However, this new research also highlighted the potential for spiking inflammation immediately after. In other words, while we know that taking the cold plunge lowers inflammation long-term, this research sheds light on a more time-dependent effect on inflammation, where it can initially rise before dropping a while later.
More research is needed on how cold water immersion delivers time-dependent effects on inflammation, including in those with varying inflammatory levels. The researchers noted that those dealing with certain health conditions, particularly inflammatory conditions, should approach ice baths more cautiously and consult their healthcare provider before dipping into the bitter cold.
An acute-inflammatory response
The immediate spike in inflammation occurs as the body’s response to the cold as a stressor. Over time, this helps your body adapt and recover in a similar way that exercise can damage and tear muscle fibers, which prompts your body to repair those muscles and make them stronger over time.
In a similar fashion, ice baths can generate an acute inflammatory response before delivering those long-term benefits as your body adapts.
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