Does aerobic exercise help you maintain muscle mass? Researchers find out

You’ve probably heard powerlifters and bodybuilders warn against doing too much cardio and killing gains. Most people think of aerobic exercise as a way to shed pounds and trim the waistline, but building muscle, not so much. When we think about building muscle, most of us conjure up images like strength training, powerlifting, protein shakes, and chowing down on a big steak. While most of us know that aerobic exercise isn’t the main way to go when you really want to swell those muscles, recently, researchers wanted to explore if aerobic exercise helps you maintain muscle mass. Let’s look at the new research.

The study

Man on treadmill walking using machine in gym
Julia Larson / Pexels

In a study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers set out to understand if aerobic exercise can help you maintain the muscle mass you already have, which is good to know, especially considering that people usually lose muscle mass with aging.

Researchers measured muscle and fat tissue in 238 adults. 175 participants were asked to walk on a treadmill at moderate-to-vigorous intensity every week for between 12 to 24 weeks. The rest of the participants were categorized in the control group.  

The results

Man jogging brisk walking outdoors in nature
Latam / Pexels

The researchers concluded that aerobic exercise doesn’t help build muscle, but it can help you maintain muscle mass you already have. Participants in the walking group preserved muscle mass more than the control group. However, even those that walked for 24 weeks still didn’t increase muscle mass.

The importance of protein

BBQ grilled tri-tip beef steak on a grill. Black background
Mironov Vladimir / Shutterstock

Researchers also tracked participants’ nutrition intake and found that those who consumed sufficient amounts of protein had the highest levels of muscle mass preservation. The International Association of Athletics Federations, or IAAF, recommends that runners and endurance athletes consume between 0.6 and 1.1 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

The takeaway

man exercising at night working out running outdoors high intensity dark nighttime
Drerun / Pexels

It’s worth noting that this study was smaller in size and only involved moderate-to-vigorous intensity walking on a treadmill. Even so, this study highlights how brisk walking can help you maintain your skeletal muscle mass, which is just another benefit to add to the list.

Most health and fitness experts recommend focusing on strength training and nutrition to optimize muscle growth. Still, aerobic exercise has plenty of benefits, so it’s worth including in your workout schedule.

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