What Are The Hidden Perks Of Being An Only Child?

For those of us who have siblings, we are all familiar with the blessings and the struggles of having brothers and sisters. Sharing clothes, fighting for attention, hiding your favorite snacks...but I want to know from only children: what are the hidden perks of growing up solo?

Two individuals sit on steps. One wears stylish, layered clothing with fishnet tights, and the other wears a plaid coat, holding a food container
Two individuals sit on steps. One wears stylish, layered clothing with fishnet tights, and the other wears a plaid coat, holding a food container

Did you always get everything you wanted for your birthday and holidays because your parents didn't have to worry about saving for presents for other children?

Animated character hugging a large gift box with ribbons, smiling joyfully
Animated character hugging a large gift box with ribbons, smiling joyfully

Or maybe you got to have your dream bedroom setup because you didn't have to share a room with a sibling?

Person in a bedroom gestures toward a bed with a zebra-print cover, with text overlay saying, "This is where I sleep until my other room gets done."
Person in a bedroom gestures toward a bed with a zebra-print cover, with text overlay saying, "This is where I sleep until my other room gets done."

Did you grow up feeling more comfortable around adults than kids your age because you spent so much time with your parents and their friends?

A person speaks with a serious expression. Subtitles read: "The adults are talking."
A person speaks with a serious expression. Subtitles read: "The adults are talking."

Or perhaps you appreciated having lots of one-on-one time with your parents and not having to compete with anyone for attention?

A young person sits on a couch using a laptop, smiling and sharing the moment with two older adults sitting on either side, all appearing joyful
A young person sits on a couch using a laptop, smiling and sharing the moment with two older adults sitting on either side, all appearing joyful

So, only children, what are we sibling-havers missing out on?

Use the comments below to tell me what the secret perks of growing up an only child! You can also fill out this form if you prefer to remain anonymous. Your response may be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!