The ending of Netflix's Black Mirror Demon 79 episode explained

demon79 ending explained
Black Mirror's Demon 79 ending explainedNetflix

Contains spoilers for Black Mirror season six

If you're anything like us, then it's safe to say you logged onto Netflix frantically at 8am to watch the newest batch of Black Mirror episodes. What can we say? We're obsessed.

Season six dropped on Netflix with five brand new episodes, each telling a story full of surprising twists and turns.

The final episode this season takes us back in time all the way to the late 1970s, where we're given a "Red Mirror" episode about a woman named Nida (Anjana Vasan) who is visited by a demon Gaap (Paapa Essiedu) who tells her she must commit three murders in order to save the world from the impending apocalypse. No pressure then.

So does Nida save the world? This is everything you need to know about what happens in the final episode of Black Mirror season six.

demon79 ending explained

What happens in the Black Mirror episode Demon 79?

"Demon 79" is set in the North of England in 1979 and begins by showing us a day in the life of a young shoe sales assistant Nida. She faces daily micro aggressions from her colleague, who forces her to serve a convicted murderer Keith Holligan.

Her day gets worse as she watches local politician Michael Smart give a speech outside the shop. Nida ends her day driving home, eating some fish and chips and watching a disco performance on the TV.

The next day she faces more micro aggressions from her manager, who tells her to eat her lunch in the basement. Whilst eating in the deserted basement Nida comes across a selection of newspaper clippings about disappearances and deaths ahead of May Day. She also comes across a talisman with the classic White Bear symbol on it (we've defo seen one of those in Black Mirror before).

Nida accidentally cuts herself and gets a drop of her blood on the talisman. She thinks nothing of it and pockets the talisman before completing another dreary day at work.

demon79 ending explained

Back at home that evening the talisman begins talking to her, well a demon named Gaap who is in the talisman does. He tells her she must now carry out three human sacrifices over the next three days or the world will end.

Gaap comes out of the talisman and is in the appearance of Bobby Farrell from disco group Boney M, as it's an appearance Nida finds appealing.

After much convincing on Gaap's part, the pair set about killing three human beings. The first is a man named Tim Simons who Gaap reveals to Nida has been abusing his young daughter and if he continues to live the abuse he causes his daughter will cause her to commit suicide in her late 20s.

Upon hearing this Nida is so shocked she ends up hitting Tim on the head with a brick and he instantly dies and falls into the canal.

demon 79 ending explained

The next day at work Gaap tries to convince Nida to kill an elderly customer, which she refuses to do. Later that evening the pair hit up the local pub in search of a new sacrifice, with Gaap pointing out the flaws in the customers, as a way to convince her to murder them.

She settles on her second victim: Keith Holligan. Nida follows him back to his house where Keith thinks the pair are going to have sex, little does he know he's about to die.

Nida ends up killing him with a hammer, with only four minutes to spare before midnight. Just as they're about to leave, Keith's brother returns home and Nida ends up killing him, as Gaap points out she can't leave him alive as a witness.

How does Black Mirror's Demon 79 end?

After killing both Keith and his brother, Gaap gets a call from his demon superiors who inform them killing Keith didn't count as he was a murderer, which makes ineligible.

They have one day left for the impending apocalypse and after hearing his racist conversation with her colleague, Nida decides Michael Smart is perfect for her next sacrifice. However, Gaap said the demons in hell are pretty into Michael Smart and the work he's doing, so they'd rather she picks someone else.

But Nida is determined it's going to be Michael. She steals the outfit she's been gawking over in the shop (the red leather jacket is fire btw) and heads off to kill Michael.

demon 79 episode explained

She stops by her flat on the way and is interviewed by the detective who is rather suspicious of her after a tip off from a woman at the pub who saw her with Keith.

Nida heads to Michael Smart's speech and follows him in the car afterwards, with the police hot on her tails. As she pursues Smart, Gaap is trying to convince her not to kill Smart, but she is not listening and bumps his car off the road, sending him into a tree. He's not dead though, and so Nida hits him with a hammer, however before she can kill him the detective arrives. She tries to convince him to let her kill Smart, but he doesn't let her and she's escorted into the police car.

Whilst being interviewed at the police station, Nida is shown the talisman which has now turned into a domino, and Gaap has disappeared, suggesting Nida had imagined the whole thing.

The police don't seem to believe her story about the apocalypse and a helpless Nida watches the clock count down to midnight.

Gaap joins her in the police interview room where he reveals he's been cast out from hell and into eternal oblivion, and invites Nida to join him. She agrees to go with him as the police officers watch the world burn into flames.

The episode ends with the pair walking off hand in hand as the world ends behind them.

Black Mirror season six is available on Netflix now

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