Grieving son cleans out late dad’s desk—what he finds after 25 years will move you

A drawing
Photo Credit: Reddit / Howtobe_normal

Some of the most precious things we leave behind aren’t expensive gifts or elaborate heirlooms—they’re the little, unexpected reminders of love.

That’s what one Reddit user, u/Howtobe_normal, discovered after his father passed away. While sorting through his dad’s desk, he came across something that instantly brought him to tears: a drawing he had made when he was just 7 years old during “Take Your Son to Work Day.” His father had kept it for 25 years.

He shared the moment in a now-viral Reddit post on r/MadeMeSmile, which has received 54,000 upvotes and counting.

“My dad died a few weeks ago. I went through the items he kept in his work desk and found this. This is a drawing I made when I was 7 years old, during ‘Take Your Son to Work Day.’ He kept it in his desk for 25 years… ”


The image of the childhood drawing—a simple sketch of a green figure, likely inspired by an arcade game—hit home for thousands. The post was flooded with comments from people who had experienced similar moments:

  • u/megalomaniamaniac: “It’s exactly why your dad kept it in his desk. I have something just as funny drawn by my daughter, and I take it from my desk anytime I need a smile or a good laugh.”

  • u/lazygartersnake: “Some of my dad’s coworkers came to his funeral. They all immediately knew who I was. Turns out he had a picture of me as his computer’s wallpaper for years.”

  • u/prince-of-dweebs: “As a dad, I can tell you every single time he came across this drawing, it put a smile on his face.”

For the son, the realization of how much his father cherished that small piece of paper hit hard. “When I found it again while going through his things, the memory hit me so hard—I just burst into tears,” he told Newsweek.

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Why these little keepsakes matter more than we realize

This story is a reminder that the smallest tokens—a handwritten note, a childhood drawing, a pressed flower from a family trip—can become some of the most powerful reminders of love. And science backs up just how deeply these mementos shape our emotions and sense of self.

  • The Science of Nostalgia: A study published in Journal of Happiness Studies have found that keepsakes tied to childhood memories can increase happiness, reduce stress, and even strengthen our sense of identity.

  • Emotional Anchors: Another research found that physical reminders of a loved one can create a lasting sense of connection and emotional well-being, even years after their passing.

  • The Power of Sentimental Items: A 2018 study from the Journal of Behavioral Addictions showed that people who held onto sentimental objects from childhood felt a stronger emotional bond with their family, even after decades apart.

Simply put? A small keepsake can hold the weight of a lifetime of love.

Related: She saved every text her dad sent—then turned them into something unforgettable

Ways to create meaningful keepsakes with your kids

If this story made you want to tuck away a few treasures for the future, here are some simple ways to preserve special moments with your children:

1. Save the Little Notes and Drawings

That crayon-drawn family portrait? That sticky note with “I love you” scribbled on it? Put them somewhere safe—in a memory box, a journal, or even a frame.

2. Keep a “Parent Journal”

Write down funny things your child says, milestones, or little moments that make you smile. Years from now, they’ll love reading about what they were like as kids.

3. Make a “Time Capsule” for Future You

Have your child pick a small toy, note, or piece of art and place it in a sealed box with a note that says, “To open when you’re grown up.” You’ll be amazed at how emotional that moment will feel years later.

4. Print and Save Digital Memories

In an age of cloud storage, don’t forget to print out special photos, texts, and emails from your kids. A simple letter or drawing they gave you today might be the thing they cherish most decades from now.

5. Store Something Unexpected

Like the dad in the Reddit story, sometimes it’s the random objects—a favorite childhood book, a well-worn stuffed animal, or a doodle from a slow day at work—that hold the most meaning in the end.

A legacy of love in the smallest things

Alexander Garrison never expected to find his childhood drawing again. But when he did, it gave him one last, beautiful reminder of his father’s love—the kind of love that lingers in the small moments, the small mementos, and the small things that mean everything.

So if you ever wonder whether to keep that handwritten birthday card, that slightly crumpled drawing, or that silly little note from your child—maybe hold onto it a little longer.

One day, it might mean the world to them.


  1. Memories of the past and impact on happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies. 2023. Can Good Memories of the Past Instill Happiness? Nostalgia Improves Subjective Well-Being by Increasing Gratitude.” 

  2. Impact of keepsakes on memory and happiness. St. Columbus Hospice Care. 2023.The Benefits of Keepsake and Memory Boxes in Continuing Bonds.”

  3. Impact of objects and impact on happiness. PMC. 2018.Object attachment: Humanness increases sentimental and instrumental values.”