Jessica Biel Is Working Alongside a Noted Anti-Vaxxer, and People Are Furious

Jessica Biel Is Working Alongside a Noted Anti-Vaxxer, and People Are Furious

You have a two year old. Yes, yes we do. One of the least glamorous things that could happen to someone. That's very true. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] How many surfaces of your home are covered with what you hope is chocolate? [LAUGH] Every square inch. And if it's not the hopefully chocolate it's Stickers and Play-Doh and Gak and crumbs and who knows. Everything is covered with everything. [MUSIC] You know, if you wake my kid up in the middle of the night by accident, you're dead to me. [MUSIC] Right, not my friends. No, not your friends, you seem like a very nice person. My friends are quiet. Listen. Demure. Modest. You're a TV producer. He's in the music industry. He's a wild musician. Those are troubled people. [MUSIC] So for me this is terrible But, I've heard so much about the three teens. What, the three teens? Like, the three year olds are called three teens cause they're so insane. That it's just like having tiny teenagers. Right, and- Which is way worse than having big teenagers I think. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] I mean listen, it's not all terrible, by the way. He's like the greatest of all time.>> No, there's some nice things about you.>> [LAUGH] Now, I'm feeling really bad.>> There some nice things [LAUGH] .>> Hes' cute.>> Years from now, we're going to edit the part, we're gonna [BLANK_AUDIO].

Update: Jessica Biel posted a statement on Instagram early Thursday morning, writing that she is "not against vaccinations — I support children getting vaccinations," but that she is against the proposed California bill. "My concern with #SB277 is solely regarding medical exemptions."

On Wednesday, Jessica Biel found herself in the internet's crosshairs after a photo of the actress and anti-vaxxer activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. surfaced online.

The pair were photographed at the California State House in Sacramento, according to Kennedy's Instagram, where they were apparently working together to lobby against a proposed pro-vaccine bill in California. According to The Daily Beast, SB 276 "would limit medical exemptions from vaccinations without approval from a state public health officer." Jezebel first reported the photo.

In his caption, Kennedy called Biel "courageous."

The Beast reports that Kennedy is a noted anti-vaxxer who had previously touted debunked claims about the effects of vaccinations on children. (Many of the claims made by anti-vaxxers, like the idea that they are linked to autism, have been fiercely rebutted by the medical community, as well as the CDC.)

Biel, who shares 4-year-old son Silas with husband Justin Timberlake, has not publicly shared her own position on vaccines, however her alignment with Kennedy has led Twitter to assume that she is also an anti-vaxxer.

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Kennedy told the Daily Beast that Biel is "upset about this issue because of its particular cruelty," adding, "She has friends who have been vaccine-injured who would be forced to leave the state.” There have also been previous tabloid reports that she and Timberlake had no plans to vaccinate their son.

The vaccine debate has been raging in the past few months, especially as communities in the Washington state and parts of Brooklyn face measles outbreaks.

Not unexpectedly, Twitter users had thoughts, sharing criticisms and jokes about the actress's controversial opinions.

InStyle has reached out to Biel's rep for further comment.