Your July 2024 Horoscope Brings Leo Season, a Capricorn Full Moon, and Neptune Retrograde

Daniel Egneus

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope predictions to see what's in store for you this year or check out each sign's dates & personality profile to learn more about the zodiac.

Welcome to July 2024. This month brings Neptune retrograde, Leo season, and another Capricorn full moon. When the dreamy planet Neptune goes retrograde early in the month, any illusions are dissolved, a theme that continues through December. As Mercury moves into confident Leo on the same day, you'll have support in communicating your needs. When the sky goes dark with a sweet Cancer new moon, you're encouraged to lean into self-care and beauty routines. And while wise Pallas ends its retrograde and makes everyone a bit smarter about how to approach an issue; you'll still feel conflicted over whether we want attention or to be left alone when Venus moves into cat-like Leo. With Mars in Gemini, and air sign, you need to be extra assertive in sharing your boundaries.

The sky lights up with a Capricorn full moon on Sunday, July 21, potentially bringing either anxiety or welcome career news. Full moons are primal wildcards. There was one in the same sign back in June, so think back to how that lunation affected you. Leo season begins this month, and with the sun in the feline sign, you'll have to continue to balance your desire to be both adorned and get plenty of rest. And, finally, Chiron, the wounded healer, begins its retrograde, bringing deep healing to an area of your life.

In this story:

Jump ahead to each section and read about major dates, planetary transits, and each sign's unique predictions.

July 2024 Horoscope Overview

July brings the healing retrogrades of Neptune and Chiron, another Capricorn full moon (there was one during June), and the start of Leo season, which encourages both parties and cat naps.

Neptune retrograde begins on Tuesday, July 2. The dreamy, lethargic planet's backward dance occurs in its home sign of Pisces and lasts from now through Saturday, December 7. As a result, it's more time-release than Mercury retrograde, which is fast-acting. Neptune retrograde won't be majorly disruptive but will bring some hard truths to the surface and tear away any fantasies that allow you to keep your head in the sand. In more immediate news, also on Tuesday, July 2, chatty Mercury moves into bold Leo, bringing confident energy to all conversations (although on a bad day, it can also feel a little pick-me).

There's a dark new moon, the lunar phase associated with fresh starts, in caring Cancer on Friday, July 5. It's a lovely time to add something new to your beauty routine (Fenty Hair? Summer beauty sales?) or eschew going out for the sake of getting cozy at home. If you do socialize, the vibe is likely more laid-back times with trusted friends. Cancer energy is all about crawling into your crab shell or connecting with your chosen family.

Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom, ends its retrograde and goes direct in transformative Scorpio on Tuesday, July 9, bringing insight into a matter or finally settling a dispute. Love becomes flirty when romantic Venus moves into Leo on Thursday, July 11. This transit is great for first dates and getting off on feeling like arm candy. It's okay to be a pillow princess every now and then. The vibe oscillates between wanting attention and needing cat naps. And, indeed, like a cat, you may find yourself going back and forth between desiring pets and wanting absolutely no one to touch you, so practice lots of active communication. When the fighter planet Mars moves into the air sign Gemini on Saturday, July 20, being assertive may feel extra challenging, so make sure to reflect on your boundaries.

You're allowed to be a diva when the sun is in Leo.

The sky goes bright with a full moon in ambitious Capricorn on Sunday, July 21. Reflect back to June's full moon to see what happened and how you felt. On their best day, full moons bring manifestation and even the arrival of welcome news you've been waiting for, especially pertaining to work and money when we're talking about Capricorn. However, full moons can also lead to anxiety and fights with friends or partners, so practice lots of self-soothing around this date.

The sun moves into Leo on Monday, July 22, kicking off Leo season and amplifying the effects of Venus moving into the cat-like sign. Over the next few weeks, you'll want to party but also do absolutely nothing. You're allowed to be a diva when the sun is in Leo; just continue to check in with yourself and communicate your needs so that others respect them, as Leo season affects all of us. Thankfully, communication becomes much easier when Mercury moves into its home sign of Virgo.

The month starts to close when Chiron, the wounded healer, goes retrograde in assertive Aries on Friday, July 26, helping tend to any unresolved pain, especially as it pertains to the past. Read your sun sign's horoscope to see what part of your life Chiron brings much-needed therapy to, and have a beautiful Leo season.

Important Astrological Dates in July 2024

Here are the major dates you'll want to keep an eye on this month, no matter your astrological sign.

Important dates in July 2024:

Tuesday, July 2: Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces
Tuesday, July 2: Mercury enters Leo
Friday, July 5: New moon in Cancer
Tuesday, July 9: Pallas goes direct in Scorpio
Thursday, July 11: Venus enters Leo
Saturday, July 20: Mars enters Gemini 
Sunday, July 21: Full moon in Capricorn
Monday, July 22: Sun enters Leo 
Thursday, July 25: Mercury enters Virgo
Friday, July 26: Chiron goes retrograde in Aries

July 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Zodiac Sign:

Not sure what your sun sign is? Here's a quick refresher of the dates for each. Click a specific zodiac sign below to open up your July 2024 horoscope and see what's in store for you this month, or keep scrolling for an overview of all the signs.

  • Aries (March 21 – April 19)

  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)

  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

  • Libra (September 23 – October 22)

  • Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

  • Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

July begins with dreamy Neptune going retrograde in Pisces and your 12th House of the Unconscious, prompting you to reconnect with your divine nature. Use Neptune’s retrograde to slow down and act more intentionally. The dark new moon in caring Cancer turns your attention to your home life, encouraging you to relax and stay in, ensuring your living space is cozy enough for proper relaxation. Sweet Venus enters your exuberant 5th House of Pleasure, blessing you with a streak of luck and helping you get what you want. Mid-July is an excellent time to manifest your dreams into reality. The Capricorn full moon illuminates your 10th House of Social Status, so mark this date as it could bring welcome professional news. And finally, Chiron’s retrograde in your sign motivates you to release old trauma, unveiling a new and improved version of yourself. Embrace this transformative energy to heal and grow, Aries. Read your full July horoscope here, Aries.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

July is all about healing and getting comfy, Taurus. Neptune retrograde helps you shed unnecessary insecurities, making you more comfortable in your friendships and more open to forming new ones. The Cancer new moon offers fresh starts, aiding you in tricky conversations within personal relationships and making it an excellent time for professional deals, such as negotiating better pay or work/life balance. Your ruler, Venus, moves into your 4th House of Home and Family this month, bringing healing to all relationships and helping those around you feel like chosen family. Be mindful of potentially heated debates around the Capricorn full moon; it's better to use any emotions to write poetry than pick fights. Then, as Leo season begins, the sun illuminates your 4th House, favoring intimate dinner parties over late nights out. Chiron, the wounded healer, goes retrograde in your deep 12th House of the Unconscious, urging you to address any stress, trauma, or unresolved healing, and once again, inviting you to take it easy. Read your full July horoscope here, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

When Neptune, the planet of creativity and dreams, goes retrograde in your 10th House of Social Status, some Geminis will see significant changes to their careers. A new moon in Cancer illuminates your 2nd House of Possessions, which, yes, could mean welcome financial news, although we can't make concrete predictions within the confines of our economy. Pallas ends its retrograde in Scorpio within your 6th House of Health, a reminder to prioritize your well-being. Mid-month, a powerful full moon in Capricorn activates your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation, promising intense experiences (and possibly tumultuous moments). As Leo season brings in a wave of creativity, the desire to stay in and recharge while enjoying your hobbies at home intensifies. Finally, Chiron's retrograde invites reconnection with old friends, emphasizing healing and connection with your trusted chosen family. Read your full July horoscope here, Gemini.

<h1 class="title">cancer horoscope 2023</h1><cite class="credit">Bella Geraci/*Allure*</cite>

cancer horoscope 2023

Bella Geraci/*Allure*

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Neptune goes retrograde in your 9th House of Philosophy, prompting a more open-minded approach to certain beliefs. A new moon in your sign could bring a rom-com-worthy meet-cute, an exciting new job offer, or new friends. Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom, goes direct in Scorpio and your 5th House of Pleasure, providing clarity on a relationship or work project that’s been on your mind. Lush Venus moves into your 2nd House of Possessions, which could bring positive changes to your finances despite economic uncertainties. This theme continues as the sun moves into Leo, marking the start of Leo season. The month ends with Chiron, the wounded healer, retrograding in your 10th House of Social Status, leading to deep reflections about your career. Take some time, though, before making any big decisions. Read your full July horoscope here, Cancer.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Neptune goes retrograde, reminding you that it's okay to allow your spiritual beliefs to grow. And if you notice changes in your libido, don't feel guilty about it, whatever way it shifts, as this could also occur during Neptune retrograde. The new moon in Cancer highlights your 12th House of the Unconscious, marking a time of heightened intuition and psychic sensitivity. Love flows when sweet Venus enters your sign. It's a great time to ask people out on first dates. The Capricorn full moon in your 6th House asks you to prioritize self-care and perhaps stay in and take it easy. And, of course, your season begins this month, so you can party then. Happy solar return, Leo! Please make sure to celebrate yourself. Read your full July horoscope here, Leo.

Read more:

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Thanks to Neptune retrograde, which begins this month, toxic relationships will likely dissolve while healthy ones will grow even stronger. A dark new moon in caring Cancer helps you connect with friends, resolve any fights, and add to your social circle. Then, when Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom, goes direct, the same healing applies to all of your relationships. Later in the month, fighter Mars moves into your 10th House of Social Status, bringing a burst of energy that could propel your professional life forward. A Capricorn full moon could indicate hot sex, but as the stars are a bit tumultuous this day, know that it could also lead to potential fights or misunderstandings. The sun enters Leo this month, indicating a period of heightened intuition and psychic skills, as well as some possible anxiety. Layer on the self-care. Read your full July horoscope here, Virgo.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

When the dreamy planet Neptune goes retrograde in your 6th House of Health, you're reevaluating your beauty and self-care routines. An exciting new moon in Cancer brings career opportunities, and when wise Pallas goes direct in Scorpio, you may also be blessed financially. However, perhaps July's most important cosmic lesson is to remember the importance of your chosen family. When your ruling planet, sweet Venus, moves into your 11th House, make sure to text back and catch up with friends. At times this month, you may find yourself feeling broody, especially once the warrior planet Mars moves into your 9th House of Philosophy. However, when these feelings arise, fight the angst by connecting with friends and becoming more involved in life. Despite July's social tone, you have cosmic permission to stay in during the Capricorn full moon. Read your full July horoscope here, Libra.

<cite class="credit">Daniel Egneus</cite>
Daniel Egneus

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Neptune retrogrades in Pisces and your 5th House of Pleasure, leading you to change how you celebrate yourself and perhaps revalue privacy. During the Cancer new moon, you are tasked with finding new ways to handle stress and anxiety. Thanks to wise Pallas ending its retrograde and going direct in your sign, you'll feel more grounded this month. In exciting news, opulent Venus moves into your ambitious 10th House, bringing potential fame your way. A full moon in Capricorn is accented by your two ruling planets, Mars and Pluto, forming a trine (a favorable aspect) with one another, bringing luck to an otherwise tumultuous day. When the sun moves into Leo, your 10th House further gets the spotlight, indicating that it's a great month to get ahead professionally. However, because Chiron, the wounded healer, goes retrograde in your 6th House of Health, you simply must maintain a healthy work/life balance. Read your full July horoscope here, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

When the healing planet Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces, affecting your 4th House of Home and Family, you're reevaluating what makes you feel safe and secure and considering revamping your space. And, if you're dating, know that the Cancer new moon could make your life rather kinky. Any new romances or budding friendships will get a cosmic push when fiery Mars moves into flirty Gemini, blessing long-term relationships with passion. When lover Venus moves into your philosophical 9th House, you're not only as charming as ever but turned on by someone else's intellect. While full moons can often be stressful, tumultuous times, the Capricorn full moon this month not only brings luck and charms but could also be good for your wallet. Leo season encourages you to tap into your nerdy side and learn something new, and Chiron retrograde brings deep healing. Read your full July horoscope here, Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You can expect to undergo a shift in how you approach your communication skills and get your message across during Neptune retrograde, which begins early in the month. Is tough love serving you? A Cancer new moon brings healing to your partnerships, and thanks to moves from your ruling planet, Saturn, you could see yourself celebrating accomplishments at work. Pallas retrograde reunites you with an old friend, but it's up to you to maintain the relationship. When Mars moves into your 6th House of Health, and there's a full moon in your sign on the same weekend, it's best to rest and take it easy or connect with friends for low-key hangs. And yes, the full moon in your sign could also lead to manifesting results you've been waiting for. Leo season is a sexy time great for enjoying beauty rituals, and the month ends with Chiron retrograde, which brings healing to your home life. Read your full July horoscope here, Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

When Neptune retrogrades, you're asked to make sure that you're being properly compensated for your time. Mercury moves into your romantic 7th House, which could see casual hook-ups becoming more serious. While a new moon in Cancer is a gentle reminder to rest, a full moon in Capricorn later in the month could see you feeling a bit burnt out. And, while you're already pretty good about understanding whose opinion matters, Pallas retrograde may see you changing your relationship with social media or deciding that certain people aren't worth your time. Mars brings fireworks to long-term relationships, and when Leo season begins, you're enjoying your most important friendships more than ever. And, at the end of July, thanks to moves from Mercury and Chiron, the wounded healer, you may reevaluate how you communicate and decide to keep things close to your chest. Read your full July horoscope here, Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Your ruling planet, Neptune, goes retrograde this month, asking you to let go of the past and fall back in love with yourself and the present. Later in July, when Chiron, the wounded healer, also goes retrograde, you're once again asked to reevaluate your self-worth, but with an emphasis on making sure you're paid your worth. A Cancer new moon occurs in your pleasurable 5th House, giving you a reason to treat yourself. And, when the sun moves into Leo, self-care should be your utmost priority. It's a social time of year, but it's very important that you get enough rest. An intense Capricorn full moon is best spent with close friends, and when Mercury moves into your 7th House of Partnership, some Pisces will find themselves having a define-the-relationship conversation. Read your full July horoscope here, Pisces.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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