Kamala Harris is obsessed with Converse sneakers

Kamala Harris just announced her 2020 presidential bid over the weekend. The Oakland-bred senator has made headlines over the past few years for her progressive stance on everything from prison reform to immigration, abortion and cannabis.

And it seems people are here for Harris' platform. In the past 24 hours alone, she's raised over $1.5 million for her campaign, which her team deems an indication of "a campaign powered by the people." It's a busy time for Harris -- but it's about to get even busier for the 54-year-old, who right now admits she's on a plane at least 6 times a week.

But there's one way the politician gets through it all -- and it has to do with her feet and a splendid Converse collection (and maybe a good chunk of airport miles).

See more of the Oakland politician:

"I run through airports in my Converse sneakers," said Harris to The Cut this past fall.

She continued, "I have a whole collection of Chuck Taylors: a black leather pair, a white pair, I have the kind that don’t lace, the kind that do lace, the kind I wear in the hot weather, the kind I wear in the cold weather, and the platform kind for when I’m wearing a pantsuit." That's at least 7 pairs she described, nbd.

In her interview with the publication, the senator revealed more of her travel survival hacks and how her husband (she's been married to attorney Douglas Emhoff since 2014) helps her stay entertained while flying.

She said:

"When I travel, I always carry socks and a scarf to wrap around my neck because planes are very cold, and my husband loads up my iPad with shows and movies I can watch when I’m traveling at the end of the week, and I’m exhausted. I just totally binge-watched Stranger Things on a plane."

If footwear can predict anything, Kamala's love for Converse might be perfectly suited for office. Both Melania Trump and Michelle Obama are Converse fans, and both have been spotted in the brand as first ladies.

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