Lorde's Second Album Has the Best Lyrics She's "Ever Written In Her Life"

From Harper's BAZAAR

When Lorde's debut album Pure Heroine first released-on the tail of her breakout single "Royals"-the brooding, off-beat teen was just 16 years old. Today, she's celebrating her 20th birthday and is not far from dropping her sophomore album. ("I'm in New York getting it done," she shared.) The singer posted a heartfelt message on Facebook about the status of her new music, graduating from her teenage years and growing into adulthood.

Although she's kept quiet on her second album, it turns out she's already got the music, cover artwork, title, merchandise and performance ideas in the works.

"I want nothing more than to spill my guts RIGHT NOW about the whole thing," the singer wrote, barely able to hold back the details on her pending release. "I want you to see the album cover, pore over the lyrics (the best I've written in my life), touch the merch, experience the live show. I can hardly stop myself from typing out the name. I just need to keep working a while longer to make it as good as it can be."

However, there's no release date yet. "You'll have to hold on. The big day is not tomorrow, or even next month realistically, but soon. I know you understand," she added.

If her second LP is anything like her first, expect it to be an honest, celebratory account of the singer's personal experiences. "Writing Pure Heroine was my way of enshrining our teenage glory, putting it up in lights forever so that part of me never dies, and this record-well, this one is about what comes next," she said.

Read her full post below.

And relive Pure Heroine here in anticipation Lorde's next drop.

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