Lost boy and his dog found wandering road in Louisiana. The dog led cops to his home

A dog is being credited with reuniting a lost boy with his family after deputies in Louisiana tried a rather unorthodox approach to solving the case.

It happened in the unincorporated LaPlace community, just west of New Orleans, according to the St John the Baptist Parish Sheriff’s Office.

“Officers recently responded to a lost little boy and his dog wandering around a LaPlace residence,” the sheriff’s office said in a May 13 Facebook post.

“Officers attempted to interview the little boy, but there was a language barrier.”

Deputies placing the boy in the patrol car then noticed the dog do something unexpected: It took off running without its owner.

“Some officers decided to follow the dog, thinking it may be heading home,” the sheriff’s office reports. “Sure enough, the beloved family pet led officers straight to the little boy’s residence.”

The boy was reunited with his family “and all is well,” the department said.

Details of the boy’s age and how long he had been lost were not released.

Hundreds of people have responded to the department’s Facebook post, with many praising both the dog and the deputies for doing something unexpected. Some called for the pup to be awarded a steak dinner.

“That dog is a Hero!” Mo’Nique Narcisse wrote on the sheriff’s office Facebook page.

“This is an awesome story, of the love of a boy and his dog,” Dora Silva Castillo posted.

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