If Your Friend Disliked The Person You Were Dating And You Married Them Anyway, Tell Us What's Happened Since

Listen, we all wanna protect our friends — and that includes when they're dating someone new. Sometimes, a friend may outright tell you they don't like the person you're seeing, but depending on (or regardless of) their reason, you may choose to continue dating them.

A man and a woman are standing close to each other, sharing a tender moment near a window with blinds
Milena Magazin / Getty Images

That said, have your friends ever disliked someone you dated? If you wound up marrying that person, what's happened since?

Maybe your friend didn't quite vibe with your partner in the earlier days, but now that they've gotten to know them, they're suuuper close.

Three people sit at an outdoor café table, enjoying coffee and conversation. The group is casually dressed
Supersizer / Getty Images

Maybe your friend thought your partner was a little sus at first, not realizing they were just quiet and reserved.

People at a social gathering with drinks; two women and two men smiling and conversing in an outdoor setting
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Maybe it was a more serious situation where they didn't like the way your partner spoke to you or how they handled conflict.

Man and woman engaged in a serious conversation. The woman appears to be gesturing with her hand while speaking
Simonapilolla / Getty Images

It could have been something petty, too, like maybe their long fingernails or their haircut gave your friend the ick.

A person with an anxious expression bites their nails, wearing a dark shirt against a pink background
Deagreez / Getty Images

Whatever it is, we want to know. Tell us in the comments, or if you prefer to be anonymous, you can submit your answer here in this Google form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!