Matt Smith Simply Needs to Accept That It's Morbin' Time

Matt Smith Simply Needs to Accept That It's Morbin' Time

A couple weeks ago, at Comic-Con, I witnessed the most beautiful moment of my stupid life. Truly. At House of the Dragon's panel (which, by the way, was so miserable that another journalist turned to me and said, "Is this... bad?"), the bravest little toaster of a fan, during the Q&A session, said these words to Matt Smith:

"Matt, guess what? It's Morbin time!"

"Issswhaaaaaa?" Smith replied, his initial I-will-dunk-your-nerd-ass-in-a-toilet glare giving way to a sort of fake incredulousness.

The poor fan proceeded to remind the Doctor Who alum that he starred in a little movie called Morbius, which initially aimed to introduce another antihero to Sony's Spider-Man universe, the one that doesn't have Spider-Man in it. Instead, the film, which stars Jared Leto as the titular Morb and Smith as the villain, Milo, flopped. Hard. Not only did few people see Morbius, but the film was memed to unholy oblivion. Specifically, the repeated utterance of, "It's Morbin time," a line that is never said in the film. Hence the uncomfortable interaction between the Comic-Con troll and Smith.

If you thought that Smith was merely taken by surprise at the panel, and maybe even has a a sense of humor about the whole thing, well, he doesn't. The actor just spoke to Rolling Stone about the unpleasant reaction to the film. “Yeah, it was thrown under the bus," Smith said. "But you just have to roll with it. What else are you gonna do? It’s a film, at the end of the day, we’re not saving lives. For whatever reason, it didn’t quite work out and… It is what it is.”

On this fine Friday, I'd like to offer one humble suggestion to Smith: simply embrace the memes and accept that it is—and may always be—Morbin time. Man, it's perfectly OK that you didn't Google which Marvel sandbox is the good one, and which one is its stinky cousin! Common mistake. Audiences have found an odd love for Morbius through the Morbin time meme, which is the kind of adoration that eventually gives way to a cult classic. Too strong, maybe, but given that Smith performs a dance in Morbius that legitimately looks like a product of an automated meme generator, he'd be better off having some fun with the whole thing.

Maybe he just needs to see a good fan edit first. May I suggest Bully Maguire's dance-off with Milo?

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