Misty Copeland talks redefining stereotypes and her 'cheat day' diet

Misty Copeland has been breaking barriers both on and off the stage.

As the first African American female principal ballet dancer in the American Ballet Theatre, Copeland had to learn how to fight against stereotypes, especially in the dancing world. She wrote about her redefining of the "ideal" ballerina and overcoming these stereotypes in her 2014 book Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina.

"My life was very chaotic as a child. It didn't become still, in my mind, until I discovered ballet. And at the same time, I was very unique in that I was a black woman -- the only black woman in American Ballet Theatre for a decade -- so that's where the 'Unlikely Ballerina' part comes from," explained Copeland to AOL Lifestyle.

"Not having the typical ballet body, being told my bust was too big, I was too muscular, I was too brown..." she added for the title.

Copeland persevered, much to the help of her manager, her talent and determination. Her tenacity -- her desire to prove the critics wrong --is evident in her success. And it took a lot of hard work to get there.

"I don't think my everyday schedule is ever mundane just because I'm doing so many different things -- just because when you're in a company like American Ballet Theatre, the repertoire that we have is so different," Copeland described.

With her busy dance schedule, touring and writing, it's no surprise Copeland's daily diet is imperative to keeping her moving and on her feet. "I'm a snacker...my breakfast is pretty light, keeping it to yogurt, fruit or oatmeal. And then I'll just snack in between rehearsals -- so I'm constantly keeping fruit or nuts, just easy healthy things, that will fuel me and not weigh me down."

One of her must-have snacks? Naked's new bars. "It's been amazing to have this incredible combination of ingredients that I was already eating daily with the fruit, nut and veggie bars with Naked," said Copeland. "My schedule is so hectic, it's so nice that I have something I can just pull out of my dance bag, and it's so nutritious and keeps me going throughout the day."

And Copeland's distaste for cheat days and dieting is just one more reason we love the star. "I love pizza, I love ice cream," she explained. "It's taken me a long time to figure out what works for my body...It's about living a healthy life. If you want to indulge, indulge. It's all in moderation."

Note taken, Misty.