'Most Likely to' Questions Based on Big Five Personality Traits
Psychologists who study the human personality often refer to the Big Five personality traits, a model that separates general characteristics into five categories: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and Neuroticism. This psychological model is also known by the acronyms, OCEAN and CANOE.
More importantly, you can use some fun "most likely to" questions to help determine which trait you relate to the most.
Over the decades, psychological studies have shown that personalities tend to stabilize after young adulthood, but more recent studies have found that life-changing events can have significant impacts. Though personalities are complex, this model can create a starting point for individuals to get to know each other and to encourage empathy for those who may think and react differently than you.
With all that in mind, here are some fun questions for your next dinner party or team outing.
5 Questions About Openness
Openness is about being receptive to learning and experiencing new things. People who fall into this category tend to be imaginative, adventurous, creative and curious. They may also be more unconventional, reckless and unpredictable.
People are more open if they raise their hand for...
Who is most likely to wing it when they travel to a new destination?
Who is most likely to order an absurdly named dish to find out what it is?
Who is most likely to follow a crowd of strangers to see where they're going?
Who is the most likely to enjoy being the guest of honor at a surprise party?
Who is mostly likely to cut their own hair just to test a TikTok trend?
4 Questions About Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness is about having a thoughtful and organized approach to life. People who fall into this category tend do be methodical, high achieving, detail-oriented and productive. They may also be more strong-willed and inflexible.
People are more conscientious if they raise their hand for...
Who is the most likely to break a world record for completing a jigsaw puzzle with the most pieces?
Who is mostly likely to suggest the one restaurant that accommodates everyone's food preferences, diet restrictions, budget, location and vibes?
Who is mostly likely to have a Plan A, B, and C in case there is a natural disaster in their own hometown?
Who is mostly likely to have a spreadsheet that shows where all their money went last month?
3 Questions About Extraversion
Extraversion (also spelled "extroversion") is about being extroverted, sociable and outgoing. People who fall into this category tend to chatty, energetic and comfortable with attention. They may also be assertive and dominant.
People are more extraverted if they raise their hand for...
Who is mostly likely to star in their own reality show?
Who is mostly likely to deliver the perfect speech for their best friend's birthday party?
Who is the most likely to convince the whole group to sign up for a new activity?
3 Questions About Agreeableness
Agreeableness is about being kind, helpful and altruistic. People who fall into this category tend to be more trusting and forgiving. They may also be more conflict-averse and less proactive.
People are more agreeable if they raise their hand for...
Who is most likely to pick up the birthday cake for a coworker on the way to the office?
Who is mostly likely to be pressured by their friend's family member into competing in a charity hot dog eating contest?
Who is mostly likely to spend their own wedding making sure everyone else is having a good time?
4 Questions About Neuroticism
Neuroticism is about being moody and less emotionally stable. People who fall into this category tend to have lower self esteem. They may also have a harder time coping with stress and find it difficult to relax.
People are more neurotic if they raise their hand for...
Who is mostly likely to cry whilst watching the daily news?
Who is mostly likely to obsess about their own death after watching a horror movie?
Who is mostly likely to keep pepper spray on their night stand so they feel safe enough to fall asleep?
Who is mostly likely to forget to eat and sleep because they're entrenched in friendship drama?
Original article: 'Most Likely to' Questions Based on Big Five Personality Traits
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