People are freaking out over this photo of young Franklin Delano Roosevelt Junior

Earlier this year, the good people of the internet informed us that Joe Biden and Tim Kaine were quite studly back in their college days.

But a new photo making the rounds is catapulting a past politician into the spotlight: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr., son of former U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

F.D.R. Jr. was a lawyer, politician and businessman from New York who served as a United States Congressman from 1949 to 1955.

But naturally, the internet is less concerned with his accomplishments than it is with his looks.

A photo of young FDR Jr. was posted to Reddit by user Kornichon on Tuesday, where it has since racked up over 35,000 upvotes.

Why all the commotion?

Well, just take a look and see for yourselves.

Photo: Reddit

Not too shabby, eh?

Naturally, people are not holding back in the comment section.

"His eyes are so blue you can tell in a black and white image," one user wrote.

"I wonder if he knew how handsome he was," wondered another. "Probably."

"I need me a tall glass of water," quipped a third.

Unfortunately for internet crushers, the politician passed away in 1988 -- but forever in our hearts he will remain.