People Are Just Realising This Fact About Michael Myers In Halloween, And We Need A Minute

Michael Myers in Halloween
Michael Myers in Halloween

Michael Myers in Halloween

If you like horror, it’s hard to imagine you haven’t seen at least one of the iconic Halloween movies. 

The franchise has 13 films to date (unlucky for some), and all but the standalone “Halloween III: Season of the Witch” focus on the gruesome misadventures of the fictional serial killer Michael Myers. 

In the first 1978 film, a child Michael Myers kills his sister Judith. Then, we see him return to his small town of Haddonfield, Illinois 15 years later to continue killing (it’s not a lighthearted watch, people). 

The adult Michael Myers is referred to as The Shape in the credits of the first film and is played by a masked Nick Castle for most of the movie, and by Tony Moran when his face is revealed towards the end of the 1978 film.

And while the film has been around for 45 years now, some fans are only just doing the maths to realise that Micheal Myers would have been just 21 in the first film.

“He should’ve been at the clubbbbbb,” a comment under a post sharing the fact reads. Well, good thing I’m a homebody.


Look, if you’re surprised, imagine how the movie makers ― who wrongly listed the character’s age as 23 in the 1978 film ― feel. 

We know the character is 21 because Dr. Loomis mentioned that he was six years old at the time of his sister’s brutal murder. Micheal Myers escaped Smith’s Grove Sanitarium 15 years after that ― so, he was definitely 21.

He’s also 21 in the 1981 movie “Halloween II”, for what it’s worth.


Yep! People have had similar reactions. 

The fact, which was originally shared on Tumblr, has resurfaced on X (formerly Twitter) recently. And predictably, people have Things To Say. 

”[B[eing a serial killer at 21 is crazy like did u even try to be normal,” asked X user @overipepeaches.

“Funny how as i grew up, i kinda get shocked whenever i remember he was only 21 in the original movie,” @evildeadrei says.

Others discovered they share a birthday with the evil character (gahh). 

With that, happy Halloween, I guess...
