"This Has Made Me Rethink Life": People Over 40 Are Sharing The Toughest Life Lessons They've Learned

Life has a way of teaching us lessons that only time and experience can reveal. This is why, by the time we get into our late 30s and early 40s, we can look back at challenges and setbacks that we faced in our younger years and see how they became opportunities for personal growth and how they changed our perspectives on things.

Man in a striped shirt with text overlay: "It gave me a lot of life lessons." BuzzFeed Video logo in the top right corner

Recently, redditor Fantastic-Point6265 was interested in the life lessons older people had learned when they asked: "People who are 40 years old and over, what are the harshest life lessons you have learnt?"

Gwyneth Paltrow in a patterned dress and Jessica Alba in a casual outfit are seated with tablets, smiling, under text: "WE'RE GIVING LIFE ADVICE". BuzzFeed logo visible

The thread got over 2.8K responses. Below are the top, best, and most-often repeated life lessons people over 40 wanted to share:

1."That no matter how comfortable you feel you are financially, make sure you have savings because life can just turn around and fuck you up."

Hands holding a jar filled with coins labeled "SAVE" against a solid background

2."Take care of your body. You only get one."

A man jogging outdoors, smiling at the camera, wearing a t-shirt, earphones, and a fitness tracker

3."There is no job security. Keep your resume up to date, and keep current personal and professional references. Trust nobody at work with any personal details or opinions. It is just a job. Work smart, not hard."

A person is working on a resume on a laptop at a desk. The focus is on the screen displaying the resume application
Tero Vesalainen / Getty Images

4."If you wait too long to make a choice/decision, it'll often be made for you. Defaulted decisions aren't a good way to go through life."

Woman in a white shirt and glasses with a thoughtful expression, hand on chin, hair in a top knot

5."Take care of your mental health early on so you can be healthy and meet other healthy people. You think you're 40, and you've had your fair share of life experiences, but you haven't. They're still coming, and some hit you unexpectedly because you're not where you need to be mentally in life. Don't say, 'That'll never happen to you,' because bad people do exist, and they don't discriminate."

An illustration shows a person watering plants growing from a human head silhouette, signifying mental health growth. A person holding a heart with a medical cross stands nearby
Rudzhan Nagiev / Getty Images

6."Never let a boyfriend or girlfriend influence decisions you want to make in your life. If they’re meant to be with you, they won’t hold you back or stop you from achieving your goals. If they do, move on. I gave up so many wonderful opportunities for past boyfriends that I still regret to this day."

A man with a disinterested expression and a woman looking surprised or frustrated have an animated discussion against a yellow background
Deagreez / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7."Very few people actually follow through on what they say they'll do. It can be for any number of reasons, from 'I don't want to hurt their feelings' to 'I want to look good in front of others' or 'I want to please everyone,' and that's just for starters. When you find people who DO, cherish them. That's why I always post, 'Look at the person's patterns of actions, not their words, to see their true feelings.'"

Two men, one in a blazer and the other in a casual shirt, smiling and talking while walking, with one man patting the other on the shoulder

8."Live in the present, not the past. The past is never coming back, no matter how much we want it to (especially with relationships)."

A person leaps across a gap from a cliff labeled "PAST" to another labeled "FUTURE" against a clouded sky
Dilok Klaisataporn / Getty Images

9."Just because you like kids doesn’t mean you should necessarily have your own. It doesn’t mean you’re cut out for parenting."

Two women with a baby; one woman joyfully plays with the baby, while the other looks tired and contemplative
Highwaystarz-photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10."Sometimes the problem is you."

Taylor Swift stands in front of a door at night, wearing a stylish outfit, and says, "It's me. Hi! I'm the problem. It's me."

11."Tomorrow is never promised. Don't ignore those phone calls or texts from loved ones when you're busy because you might not have a chance to return them later. Always tell them you love them when you say goodbye."

Two men, one younger holding a water bottle and another older, walk by a lakeside with arms around each other, smiling and sharing a moment

12."If you have a gut feeling about a particular person or situation DO NOT fight it. Follow your instincts."

Catherine O'Hara as Moira Rose from Schitt's Creek, wearing an elaborate necklace and dramatic makeup, with the caption "Trust your instincts."

13."Knowing when to say 'no.' Doing that is more important than saying 'yes.'"

Sydney Sweeney on a talk show set with a cityscape background, wearing a sleeveless dress, with the text "NO" overlaid in bold font

14."You can do everything right and still fail, while some people who just fucking coast through life never work a day in their lives just have everything handed to them. Life is absolutely fucking unfair, and the sooner you stop comparing yourself to people who had a 50,000-mile headstart from birth, the sooner you can ACTUALLY start to live."

Drag queen in glam makeup and green outfit with bold jewelry, saying "Life's not fair" in large text at the bottom

15."Your partner is the most important decision you make and reversing that shit is incredibly hard. Choose wisely."

A couple, an unidentified man in a suit and an unidentified woman in a wedding dress, are smiling and embracing outdoors with trees in the background

16."Don't tie your identity to your job. Don't get invested in office politics. Do your job to the best of your ability, log off, go home, and forget about work."

John Krasinski, dressed in a blue shirt and striped tie, sitting in an office setting, staring at the camera with a neutral expression

17."A lot of people who are successful in business and seem really friendly will absolutely fuck you at the slightest chance of making some extra money."

Cartoon: One businessman kicks another off a cliff

18."Not everyone will like you, and that's okay. Also, to quote Schitt's Creek: 'People don’t think about you the way you think people are thinking about you.'"

Two people in a car with a woman wearing a straw hat saying, "Trust me, people aren't thinking about you the way that you're thinking about you."

You can read the original thread on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.