People Are Sharing The Thing Their Ex Said That Made Them Immediately Leave The Relationship

This week, Reddit user u/Asleep-Lavishness332 posed the question "What did a significant other say to you that made you immediately leave the relationship?"

A torn photograph of a smiling couple embracing, symbolizing a breakup
Jamie Grill / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

Here are some of the top-voted answers:

Note: This story discusses emotional abuse.

1."My godfather, whom I was very close to, died. We were eating in the kitchen when I heard. I immediately left, in tears, to the airport to get to the funeral that was happening the very next morning on another continent. When I was back, 48 hours later, the first words out of her mouth were: 'You didn't do the dishes.'"


2."My dad died suddenly and I had to fly out of state. I was planning on staying a week so I could spend time with family but I decided to leave a few days early so I could be home for my boyfriend’s birthday. I flew home on his birthday and was planning on going right over to his house for dinner with him and his family. When I got there, he was annoyed that it took me so long to get there. He asked why I was late. For some reason, it just rubbed me the wrong way. My dad just died and I drove there straight from the airport. I didn’t make any stops or anything on the way. He just seemed so ungrateful that I put in the effort or that I was still dealing with the death of a parent."


Woman with a thoughtful expression sits on a couch, man in the background looks at her. Both appear to be in a serious conversation
Drazen_ / Getty Images

3."'I only cheated because you left me alone for too long. I love you but I have needs.' I was gone for two days on a business trip that I invited him on."


4."When she kept telling me daily she could do better than me. Go on then."


5."You better be glad I didn’t sleep with my ex while I was mad!"


6."'I can replace you with someone else whenever I want.' I immediately walked out."


A man and a woman outside at night. The man is reaching for the woman's hand, while the woman looks upset and pulls away
Professionalstudioimages / Getty Images

7."I'm not attracted to you."


8."You always work or study. Can't you just drop all that useless stuff?"


9."He cheated on me and four days later I brought it up again, obviously, and he sighed and said, 'Haven’t we already talked about this?' He was extremely surprised I ended our relationship, and then he balled his eyes out like a baby."


A man, looking distressed, holds his head and appears to be crying at a kitchen table with a bowl of fruit. A woman next to him seems to be speaking
Skynesher / Getty Images

10.“'You need to choose who’s more important — me or your kids.' Easiest decision ever. He seemed genuinely shocked that I chose my children."


11."I'm related to a well-known singer. The guy I was dating turned out to be a huge fan and all he ever wanted to talk about was said singer. One day he asked if he could meet my family and I was super happy. My cousin, however, was in Germany at the time and couldn't attend. When he found out my cousin wouldn't be attending, he threw a massive childish tantrum in front of my whole family and kicked over the BBQ. His words, 'What was even the point of inviting me.' I agreed."


12."On our 2-year anniversary, I took her on a 4-day getaway. Big suite, her favorite French cuisine, concert, ballet, etc. The final night there, she says, 'I've decided to finally, completely commit to you and you only.'"


Two people, one wearing a t-shirt and the other in overalls, sit close to each other on a bed, appearing deep in conversation and showing concern
Drazen Zigic / Getty Images

13."We ended up talking about cheating and she said, 'I'd never INTEND to cheat on you.' No matter how I said it, she just couldn't comprehend that the word 'intend' didn't fill me with joy, and she kept repeating it and emphasizing it. Thought I'd save myself the heartbreak!"


14."I told my girlfriend I had a new high-paying job. Her first words were 'You can finally pay off my debt.' I didn't know about the debt and noped out of there like lightning. Found out afterwards that she had been pretending to go to work and then sneaking back in after I left for work."


15."'Not to be an asshole, but I'm the best thing you'll ever get.' I moved out the next day."


Young man and woman arguing about something
Anchiy / Getty Images

16."He wanted us to try for a baby. I said I wouldn’t have a child until I was married. He then said he didn’t really see 'wife' qualities in me."


17.“'You’re 80% of what I want in a partner but you are missing that 20%.' It was using percentages when talking about my character that did it for me."


A woman in a casual t-shirt holds a coffee cup while looking thoughtfully out a window with decorative iron bars
Aquaarts Studio / Getty Images

Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger as a result of domestic violence, call 911. For anonymous, confidential help, you can call the 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or chat with an advocate via the website.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline is 1-800-950-6264 (NAMI) and provides information and referral services; is an association of mental health professionals from more than 25 countries who support efforts to reduce harm in therapy.