18 "Types" That People Swore They Would Never, Ever Date Again If Their Life Depended On It

Recently, Reddit user u/7heHenchGrentch asked, "What’s one 'type' you’ll never date again?"

A man and woman clinking drinks at the dinner table

Their answers ranged from understandable to a little controversial. Here's what they had to say:

1."If someone refers to themselves as an 'alpha,' I am staying far away."


Man carrying sticks on "Survivor" with caption "I'M THE ALPHA MALE, EVERYONE!"
Seven Network

2."The self-proclaimed 'a-hole.' 'Brutal' honesty is not impressive. Tactful honesty is. Also, you think they'll raise their voice for you, but they're just gonna raise it at you."


3."The love bomber. I learned that the hard way. Twice."


4."A hardcore mama's boy."


Screenshot from "That '70s Show"

5."People who are late all the damn time. If you start getting ready at the time of the event, then hell no."


6."I won't date another woman who doesn't have any close female friends and is only friends with guys because she's just 'too real.'"


7."Military people. It's always going to be a big part of your personality if you joined at 18 and learned to become an adult that way. It's a workplace that bleeds into people's personalities."


Two characters from a TV show embrace, the man in a dress uniform with "CAMERON" tag, and the woman in a floral dress

8."Never dating another guy who says all his ex-girlfriends were 'crazy' and 'cheaters.'"


9."A prankster. Being on edge for the whole relationship because you don't know what is and isn't a prank, joke, or lie is absolutely draining."


10."Men with sudden rage problems. They have vehement overreactions to the small life things that we all need to field maturely as adults."


Michael Scott from The Office with a concerned expression

11."The new-age spiritual type. I worked my butt off to pay our rent and keep us fed while he borrowed money from his rich daddy to galavant all over the world for various retreats, gatherings, and 'vision quests.' I went to one with him once where they were speaking in tongues and losing their minds over a clearly modern manmade crystal skull that they were trying to claim was an ancient relic with magical powers that was found in a cave in a rainforest or some crap. That was basically the end of our relationship. I lost every bit of attraction I ever had for him after that trip."


12."Self-proclaimed 'nice guys.' By 'nice guys,' I mean men who self-pity, beg to be given a chance, and always complain that nice guys finish last. They're actually total a-holes every time. They've all been freaks."


Screenshot from "That '70s Show"

13."The firm 'This is just how I am' type. In my experience, that has proven time and time again that someone is set in their ways, excuses their toxic behavior, and takes no effort to look introspectively at themselves or how they affect others around them. That's not to say that this is always a bad thing. I'm all about being 'who you are,' but I draw the line at never looking into 'who you are' or why because you've given up on trying for yourself."


14."There's this type of men who are convinced they're going to get rich very soon solely by investing their money in crypto. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that investing is a bad idea. What bothers me is the fact that these men are usually money hungry AF, but at the same time way too lazy to get an education and actually work to get a decent wage. They're desperate for luxury but expect to achieve this goal by the easiest means possible. They think they're smarter than everyone else because they choose to spend their late 20s and early 30s smoking weed and 'investing wisely' instead of working a regular 9 to 5 job. It's a gross mixture of greediness, laziness, and deluded confidence that gives me the ick."


15."Baby voice users."


Animated character Stewie Griffin from Family Guy sitting on the floor with a teddy bear beside him

16."I will never date someone from the same small town I came from again. Everyone knows everything you're doing, and people are way too nosey and into your business."


17."People who are over the top with positivity. It's a mask, and there is something lurking under there."


Screenshot from "Unbreakable Kimmy Schidt"

18.And lastly, "When I was still single and fresh out of a relationship, I told myself that I would never again date the buff 'gym rat' type who spends hours every day at the gym. I just don't have a very good experience with those types of people."
