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Humans Are Actually Becoming More Stupid, And These 17 People Are Proof

Humans are getting stupider each year. No really, IQ scores have been decreasing for decades, and if these 17 people are any indication, people's confidence that they're not wrong (when they obviously are) is on the rise at the same time. It's a terrible combination, but at least we can laugh at how smug these 100% incorrect people are.

1.If only other car brands made electric vehicles!

A social media comment arguing that "leftist abandoned their green ideology" because they hate Elon and are buying gas cars, with another commenter clarifying that they only bailed on Tesla
Malpocada / Via

2.My favorite thing about this one is how they censor the word "vaccines" as if they're gonna get in twouble wif mommy for saying it:

Social media exchange about vaccine risks and a clarification that vaccines are injected into muscle, not bloodstream
u/Melodic_Abalone_2820 / Via

3.I want to believe that this person who thinks being gay started in 2020 is trolling, but honestly, I don't know.

A commenter claiming that "gay started during Biden's administration" and then editing their comment to say that it was the 2010s or 2000s at the most
u/Coridoras / Via

4.Fun fact: Pilot and air traffic controller are two different jobs. Hope this helps!

A social media comment thread discussing plane crashes during a Trump's term, with a confused commenter asking if the planes fly themselves after hearing that air traffic controllers were fired
u/tiennamackenzie / Via

5.Interesting theory, Howard. Tell me, do retaliatory tariffs from trade wars cause price increases? Because I doubt people care if you call it inflation or not when things suddenly cost twice as much.

A tweet with a transcript of a Howard Lutnick interview on CNBC where he claims tariffs aren't inflationary and people are just whining
u/DMX8 / Via

6."Thank you for incorrecting me" is actually genius.

A commenter claiming "South Africa isn't Africa" and another commenter making fun of them by saying "thank you for incorrecting me"
u/GoredTarzan / Via

7.Yellow is a mix of WHAT?!

A Reddit thread debates if yellow is a primary color, with one user claiming that if you mix green and red you get yellow
u/TheGamingMackV / Via

8."That's how memes work" is a real hail mary here.

A commenter trying to backtrack after claiming a misquote was actually said by saying "that's how memes work"
u/smkmn13 / Via

9.When trying to argue about Trump's economic success, it's important to remember what year he was in frickin' office.

A text message exchange where a Trump supporter talks about how strong the economy was in 2016, with the other person reminding them that Obama was in office until early 2017
u/AwhSxrry / Via

10.Surprise, the person who spelled it "litterly" is wrong.

A commenter argues Iceland is Scandinavian and says "litterly it is"
u/Papa_Smjordeig / Via

11.How on earth is this person pronouncing "elusive"?

A commenter tries to argue that the word "elusive" has four syllables, even after someone linked to a source proving them wrong
u/TheGreatGaston / Via

12.Actually, people very much did die from the measles (although it was more like 400–500 people per year in the US, not 1,500).

A commenter arguing that measles is less severe than any cold or flu and doubting when someone says it killed about 1500 children per year before vaccines
u/SirGeorgeAgdgdgwngo / Via

13.This might be the snootiest incorrect correction I've ever seen.

A commenter incorrectly corrects someone's grammar, mixing up your and you're, and smugly saying "if one is telling others to be an adult, they themselves should write like one"
u/moleman114 / Via

14.Generally, when you use words like "never," there's a very good chance you're at least a little wrong. This person is a LOT wrong.

A commenter saying that there has never been a nation that has existed much beyond 250 years
u/Anon-Zer0-Quazar / Via

15.Do people just say things without even bothering to check? (Don't answer that, I know the answer is yes.)

A person tries to claim that Canada didn't fight in WWII with an X community note showing that they in fact joined the war effort in 1939
u/VillageGoblin / Via

16.Yes, I also believe the guy who was also our school's football coach over actual medical professionals.

A nurse laughing about how men are confused that catheters don't go in the vagina, with a reply saying the vagina is "the whole area" and "all of the holes" and saying they trust their sex ed teacher from high school
u/oingobungo / Via

17.And finally, you ever hear a question so stupid that you have to put an ellipsis before your answer?

A person being smugly sarcastic over a comment about pills that are designed to reach other parts of your body. It's clear that the person did not realize that pills with enteric coating are a thing
-SgtSpaghetti- / Via