Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis Join Their Parents for a Volunteer Day with the Scouts

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis Join Their Parents for a Volunteer Day with the Scouts

As the coronation weekend comes to a close today, members of the public are encouraged to take part in the "Big Help Out"—a day of volunteering across the nation. Prince William and Kate Middleton participated in a volunteer day in Slough, England along with their three children Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. The Wales family joined the Scouts to renovate their Scout Hut—taking part in plating, sanding, and painting. It was Prince Louis's first official engagement, and the youngest royal seemed to have a blast.

Here, see all the best photos from the Wales family's day out with the 3rd Upton Scout Group:

The Princess of Wales is joint President of the Scout Association, and she looked happy to join them for the day with her kids in tow.

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Prince William used an excavator, and both his sons wanted to help out.

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Prince Louis looked extremely focused.

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Princess Charlotte looked unimpressed as she watched her dad and brother.

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Prince George smiled as he helped with the excavator.

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A wider view of what the royals were doing.

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Prince Louis helped shovel, too.

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The five-year-old looked very pleased to be pushing a wheelbarrow.

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Kate held Princess Charlotte's hand as Prince Louis pushed the wheelbarrow without any help.

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Kate ended up helping Louis with the wheelbarrow.

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Prince George had a drill to help with woodwork.

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Meanwhile Princess Charlotte grabbed a paintbrush to stain some wood.

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She was focused as she painted the wood.

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And didn't get any on her outfit!

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Inside, all Wales kids painted their hands to contribute to a mural. Prince Louis debated where he wanted to add his handprint.

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He eventually decided that right here looked good!

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Prince George added his handprint, too.

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After, it was time to try some archery! Princess Charlotte looked like a pro.

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She also wore a Scout bandana to wear.

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The archery bow looked bigger than Prince Louis, but that didn't stop him.

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That face!

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Kate watched George as he tried the archery.

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All the royals ended up wearing Scouts bandanas during the day. They were volunteering with 3rd Upton Scouts, who have been providing Scouting in Slough since 1909.

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Next up: The Princess of Wales herself. This isn't even her first time trying archery.

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Prince William laughed as she went.

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The Waleses are always willing to try an athletic activity.

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Prince William, too, tried archery.

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And George went again.

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Prince William stood behind his son.

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The Princess of Wales helped Louis dump some dirt.

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Then Kate started shoveling, to help reset a path.

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Prince Louis got in on the shoveling fun.

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Then, it was time for s'mores!

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Prince Louis didn't even wait for chocolate or graham crackers—he started eating the marshmallows right off the stick.

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Princess Charlotte covered her eyes as she got too close to the smoke.

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The Princess of Wales was happy to be making s'mores.

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Prince Louis, munching away on the marshmallows.

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Princess Charlotte seemed extremely intent on toasting her marshmallows.

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Kate smiles over at her daughter.

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A few other kids had crowded around the fire pit to watch the royals.

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Prince Louis had a full s'more with graham crackers (in addition to the marshmallows).

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Kate leaned down to speak with her youngest son.

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Last but not least, the royals posed for a portrait with the Scout group.

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A successful Big Help Out for the royal kids!

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