A New Report Crowned This State As The Best In The U.S. For Women's Health—And The Results May Surprise You

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Which State Is The Best For Women's Health? pixdeluxe - Getty Images

There are so many factors that go into how healthy you are, from your environment to your diet. Now, a new report is breaking down which U.S. states are the healthiest for women, and the results may surprise you.

The findings, which were published by the charity nonprofit SmileHub on February 4, compared states across three areas—health and living standards, healthcare policies and support systems, and safety risks—and graded them on a 100-point scale.

So, which state is considered the best for women’s health? Here’s a breakdown.

What is the best state for women’s health?

The best state for women’s health is Massachusetts, according to this report. Massachusetts even topped out Hawaii, which tends to dominate typical healthy living reports due to its warm climate and laidback lifestyles.

Why is Massachusetts the best state for women’s health?

The Bay State had a total score of 74.15, and was ranked No.2 in health standards and living, No.9 in healthcare and support, and No.6 in safety.

Essentially, many women in the state have access to good healthcare, have longer life expectancies, and have lower risks of suicide, depression, or being a victim of rape.

Which other states are healthy for women?

Northeastern states dominate the top of the list. The other states rounding out the top five include:

  • Hawaii, 74

  • Connecticut, 69.79

  • New York, 68.72

  • New Jersey, 67.79

These states unfortunately came out in the bottom five:

  • Oklahoma, 25.22

  • Arkansas, 28.09

  • Nevada, 32.49

  • Mississippi, 32.86

  • Texas, 34.73

Meanwhile, other states topped specific categories. New York had the most health/wellness charities per woman, while Connecticut is home to the highest-quality women's hospitals. Hawaii has the longest life expectancy for women at birth and lowest share of women who have obesity, while California has the lowest maternal mortality rate.

If your state falls on the lower end of the rankings, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed. But if you’ve been considering a move to Massachusetts, maybe this is the sign you’ve been looking for.

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