If You Work In Retail Or Service, What's The Worst Thing A Customer Or Guest Said To You?
The hardest part about working retail, hospitality, or service? Dealing with customers and guests. It feels like it's only getting worse, too, with people becoming more entitled than ever.
If you work in one of these industries, what's the most entitled thing a customer has said to you or asked you? Maybe you work at a popular restaurant, and they walked in at 7 p.m. on a Saturday and demanded a table for 15, then cussed you out when one wasn't available.
Maybe you work in the wedding or retail industry, and an "influencer" wanted free products or services in exchange for "exposure."
Or maybe someone asked for a room upgrade at the resort you work in due to some small perceived issue in their room, like a picture being hung slightly askew.
Now it's your turn — what's the rudest, most entitled customer you ever dealt with? Let us know in the comments below — or via this anonymous form — and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.