Are the Royal Fab Four Really Feuding? We Investigate


It seems that lately, coverage of the royal family has been dominated by rumors of various feuds between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle as well as Prince Harry and Prince William. What seemingly started out as a small issue between the sisters-in-law has since bubbled into bigger drama between the two brothers.

With just about every major news outlet sharing their own stories — from their own sources — about the supposed disagreements, it can be difficult to keep it all straight. We broke down all the reports that have been circulating around to get to the root of the issue.

Incident #1: Meghan Markle Is Reportedly an “Acquired Taste”

First reported by: The Daily Mail

What happened: After news that the royal foursome would be split up by Harry and Meghan’s upcoming move to Frogmore Cottage, it was reported that the sisters-in-law's relationship may be complicated, as the Duchess of Sussex can be “quite opinionated." The sources insisted that there hadn’t been an actual falling out between the two royals, but it seemed to indicate that something was definitely going on behind-the-scenes.

Incident #2: Kate Middlelton “Upset” Following Princess Charlotte’s Fitting for Markle’s Wedding

First reported by: The Telegraph

What happened: Tensions seemingly escalated during a dress fitting for Middleton’s daughter, Princess Charlotte, ahead of Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry in May. The Duchess of Cambridge reportedly “left in tears.”

RELATED: Proof That Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton Are Actually Friends


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Incident #3: Apparently, Prince Harry and Prince William Are Now Feuding as Well

First reported by: Vanity Fair

What happened: Tensions between the brothers were rumored to have begun around the holidays last year, after Prince Harry felt that William wasn’t being very welcoming to his soon-to-be-wife. A mutual friend told Vanity Fair that “Harry felt William wasn’t rolling out the red carpet for Meghan” and that Prince Charles had to step in to resolve the issue.

The breakdown:

So, is there any truth to these claims about the royal foursome? It's ... unclear.

The reality of the matter is that Middleton and Markle are sister-in-laws, not best friends, so they are going to have their disagreements every now and then. But the theory of the respective Duchesses being in some “bitter feud” may also have been painted by media outlets seeking to pit the famous royal women against each other. The royal vs. royal storyline is a tale as old as time — remember the constant reports of feuds between Princess Diana and Sarah "Fergie" Ferguson?

On the other hand, it is a bit curious that the stories are bubbling up all at once, especially considering that the incidents aren't exactly fresh either, having occurred over the past year. Why now? Well, it may come down to the timing of Harry and Meghan's move. As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex leave Kensington Palace for Frogmore Cottage, the tension is a logical narrative — why move if things are chummy, right?

Additionally, according to various outlets, a few of Meghan and Harry's close palace aides — including Meghan's personal assistant — have quit over the past few months. And who's to say they aren't talkers?

Of course, this is all conjecture, and we're not likely to get a straight answer from the royal family anytime soon, but considering the variety of sources reporting the tension, we also can't put these rumors completely to bed quite yet.