Scorpio July 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Daniel Egneus

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Scorpio personality profile.

Welcome to July, Scorpio. While during June, you may have, unfortunately, bickered with a friend or lover, there are chances to reconnect and heal with your loved ones this month, along with plenty of cosmic encouragement for self-care.

The month's first major transit arrives on Tuesday, July 2, when Neptune begins its lethargic retrograde in Pisces and your 5th House of Pleasure. Between now and December (Neptune retrograde lasts much longer than, for example, Mercury retrograde) you will notice changes in how celebrate yourself. Perhaps you used to love posting on social media, but now you're more interested in privacy and the luxury of secrets. Neptune retrograde in your 5th House could also change the way you approach sex and intimacy, and some Scorpios may find themselves opting to explore celibacy, even as the sign of sex. Scorpios love their hidey holes, so it's okay to climb back into yours for a bit.

Also, on Tuesday, July 2, the divine messenger Mercury enters your 10th House of Social Status, so, the instant release effects of this day, compared to Neptune retrograde, which is more time release, could be that you hear some really wonderful career news. It's also a lovely time to throw a party.

The sky goes dark with a Cancer new moon on Friday, July 5, that sees you finding new ways to deal with stress and anxiety. There's a chance that you honestly might get so fed up with ruminating and worrying about things that haven't happened, and may never happen, that you download a meditation app, pull some tarot cards, or even indulge in a self-help book (no shame). Just a few days later, on Tuesday, July 9, Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom, goes direct in your sign, Scorpio, and with the sage planetary body now direct, you'll feel much more grounded and hopefully have less stress overall.

On Thursday, July 11, opulent Venus, who rules beauty and money in addition to love, moves into your fame-loving 10th House of Social Status. This could mean really fun parties, making this a great time to be social. This transit could also signify good news for your career. One way or another, you're coming into the spotlight. But as you're also likely concerned with privacy more than ever, you'll need to find a way to share and celebrate your success that feels right for you.

Your ruling planets, transformative Pluto and fighter Mars, trine one another, blessing your Capricorn full moon with some cosmic love.

When one of your ruling planets, warrior Mars, moves into your sexy and transformative 8th House on Saturday, July 20, plenty of Scorpios will enjoy super hot sex, whether you're with a partner, a sex toy, or both. However, this firey transit could also lead to fights, so make time to self-soothe and try to think before you speak, which can, admittedly, be challenging for Scorpios. Layer on the self-care this entire weekend, as on Sunday, July 21, there's a full moon in Capricorn and your 3rd House of Communication. Full moons are primal times that can be a bit of a wild card. The best case scenario of this lunation is that you see deals being signed or projects completed. However, because full moons can be tumultuous times, beware of fights around this date. It works in your favor that also on Sunday, July 21, your ruling planets transformative Pluto and fighter Mars, trine, a favorable aspect, one another, blessing your Capricorn full moon with some cosmic love.

Also in your favor, especially as it pertains to any creative hobbies or professional ambitions, on Monday, July 22, the sun enters Leo, lighting up your 10th House of Social Status. You'll feel extra creative, driven, and aware of your manifestation powers. However, don't work yourself too hard. When messenger Mercury moves into your 11th House of Friendship on Thursday, July 25, it stresses the importance of connecting with your social circle. Doing so isn't just for fun; it can help you get out of your brooding head. The theme of self-care moves to the forefront at the end of the month, as on Friday, July 26, Chiron, the wounded healer, goes retrograde in Aries, and your 6th House of Health, demanding that, in order to get everything you want, you continue to prioritize a healthy work/life balance. Try to level out your signature intensity with light-hearted moments shared with loved ones. We'll see you in August.

Important dates in July 2024:

Tuesday, July 2: Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces
Tuesday, July 2: Mercury enters Leo
Friday, July 5: New moon in Cancer
Tuesday, July 9: Pallas goes direct in Scorpio
Thursday, July 11: Venus enters Leo
Saturday, July 20: Mars enters Gemini 
Sunday, July 21: Full moon in Capricorn
Monday, July 22: Sun enters Leo 
Thursday, July 25: Mercury enters Virgo
Friday, July 26: Chiron goes retrograde in Aries

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of July 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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