Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

Your Sex Horoscope for the WeekendHearst Owned

What’s happening: The weekend starts off with the Moon in fiery Aries, and Venus forming an awkward quincunx aspect with Saturn. This tough transit puts the planet of love and the planet of obstacles in a house of mirrors; they can’t see eye-to-eye or work with each other, and as a result, relationship problems, conflicts, and imbalances are highlighted. The Moon enters calm Taurus on Saturday afternoon, helping to stabilize the vibe. Next, the Moon enters fast-moving Gemini later on Monday, and then slides into Cancer on Wednesday evening, where it remains until the end of the week.

What that means for *you*:


Venus in Leo wants you to spread love, experience romance, have good sex, and enjoy yourself, but Saturn’s influence this weekend is making that really hard. You could get asked out by someone you think is cute, but that little voice in the back of your mind is saying, “What if they’re like your ex? I should cancel." Or maybe you’re feeling extra self-conscious, so you ghost them after telling yourself, “I’m not good enough for them." You’re experiencing some avoidant tendencies right now, but closing yourself off isn’t the way to go about this. Open up, go on that date, have that hookup, and have fun! If it's not perfect—who cares? At least you put yourself out there!


You’re feeling especially needy this weekend, Taurus. If you’re boo’d up, you need lots of extra reassurance from your partner. If your relationship is healthy and strong, your partner is going to show up for you, with all of the support and assistance you need. But if your relationship isn’t in the best shape, their inability to acknowledge you becomes very clear. If you’re single, this is also a tough weekend, because the Saturnian vibe absolutely reeks of rejection. Don’t expect to get too much action this week, sorry!


The magic of Venus in Leo is bringing all kinds of new connections your way! Dates and hookups are easy to find, and it can be very tempting to start keeping a list of potential paramours. Flirting is fun and sexting is exciting, but if that’s all you’re doing, it can easily read as you being a player or a time-waster. You can’t tell someone, “I like you so much, I wanna treat you right,” and then refuse to make plans with them. Don’t say something unless you mean it, because others' patience is wearing thin. They’re not interested in playing games.


You’re beginning to realize that you're stuck. If you’re in a relationship, things feel stale. You’re asking yourself, “Where’s the spontaneity? Where’s the excitement? When was the last time we tried something new?” If you’re single, you’re realizing that you’ve just been going through the motions for a while. Match someone on Tinder, text back and forth, maybe go on a date or bang a couple times, then someone ghosts the other person, and you start over. You’re going to be stuck in this rut until you do something new. Leaving your comfort zone can be tough and even scary, but you’re beginning to feel like anything would be better than the boredom and monotony you’re currently experiencing.


Love is a little tough right now. On the romantic side, you’re feeling shy and even struggling with your words when it comes to meeting new people. When it comes to sex, you’re finding it tough to get in the mood, and if you’re single, you might feel the need to be completely abstinent. Your self-consciousness is debilitating right now, and you're struggling to open up and share yourself with others. There’s nothing anyone can say, and no magic wand anyone can wave, to fix this—this is a you thing. Focus less on others right now and practice some self-love instead.


Lately, your boo/crush/situationship has been exhibiting some behavior that you’re not a huge fan of. This could be minor—they’re taking longer to text you back, they’ve been a bit more forgetful—or the problems could be a bit bigger. The point is, you’re observing something that you don’t like… but you won’t bring it up. You feel as if they should behave differently, and you expect them to know better, but guess what? Your partner isn’t a mind-reader! Expectations are just premeditated resentments, Virgo, and if you can’t take a second to (nicely!) point out the problem as it happens, then you shouldn’t expect anything to change. Talk it out.


You need to take a second and think about your relationship goals. What do you want? A hookup? A few dates? A new partner? To take the next step in your current relationship? You can’t keep playing games—you need to make a choice! If you’re already boo’d up, your partner has been trying to talk about these things, but they’re waiting for you to get serious. If you’re single, Venus in Leo is attracting new potential paramours, but if you want anything with substance, you gotta stop wasting time and playing hard to get!


Saturn’s influence this weekend means that you and your partner aren’t exactly on the same page re: your relationship. You might think, “Oh, we’ve been together for a couple months, things are getting serious!” while your partner thinks it's not serious. Or you could be the one thinking, “Psh, we’ve only been together for a couple of months, it’s casual,” while your partner is getting ready to introduce you to their parents. Tough conversations that need to happen are coming up this week, and it’s important you’re honest. You’ll likely find a way to meet your partner in the middle and find common ground. If you can’t, this could be the time a breakup occurs—but it’ll be for the better!


You’re simultaneously feeling a strong need for freedom and a strong need for stability. I urge you to avoid making big decisions about your love life without thinking long and hard beforehand. These two very different desires are at odds with each other, and as a result, your moods and reactions are very extreme. One fight with your boo doesn’t mean you need to dump them and run. At the same time, just because your otherwise shitty partner spent most of the day being nice to you doesn’t mean that they’re the LOYL. Exercise moderation, be patient, and keep it real. Before you say or do something, ask yourself, "Am I (over)reacting? Or am I simply acting?" There’s a big difference, and you need to know that if you want to change your love life for the better this weekend.


When you’re feeling big emotions, your usual tactic is to act cold and keep your emotions inside. This happens when you’re sad or angry, but it also happens when you’re feeling excitement or joy. There are major opportunities to embrace your partner and experience intense connection, but if you keep up your aloof facade of, “I’m too cool, I don’t care, that’s not a huge deal,” then you’ll shut these opportunities down. Be emotional! If you like someone, tell them! If you love someone, shout it from the rooftops! Show your partner that you have some enthusiasm for your relationship, and things between the two of you can only get better and better.


You’re looking for a date, not buying a house. Your first reaction to seeing a new potential paramour is to appraise their value. It’s like you have a mental checklist, and you have to make sure the other person ticks enough marks before you say, "Hello." You know the saying “You can’t judge a book by its cover?” Let’s try to apply that this weekend. So what if they have an obnoxious laugh, or they’re not tall, or they have a couple of weird tattoos? Try swiping right on that person who isn’t your usual type, or entertain a conversation with the okay-looking guy who bought you a drink at the bar. You’ll likely find that opening up to new people, no matter how little or for how long, can lead to fulfilling, exciting, and positive connections.


You should enjoy the work you put into your relationship. This weekend is labor intensive, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Your partner is leaning on you for support, and as their partner, it’s up to you to help them out! If all is well in your love life, you’ll be just fine. But if your relationship isn’t so hot, this is the time where you can discover some resentment bubbling over—they never do this for you when you’re feeling down, you always help them out, etc. You need to keep a very practical mindset right now. If taking care of your partner feels more like a chore and less like an act of love, that's your hint that you might need to send them packing.

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