The Simple Chocolate Chip Cookie That ‘Will Replace Your Go-To Recipe’

Plus, it has one of the best recipe names we have ever seen.

<p>AllRecipes / Julia Hartbeck</p>

AllRecipes / Julia Hartbeck

If I had to guess which recipe pops up in family recipe books most frequently, I'd say chocolate chip cookies. Everyone seems to have a CCC recipe that they are loyal to and insist on being the best in the world. Because of this, I think people miss out: Half the fun of making chocolate chip cookies is trying out a new recipe to judge whether it lives up to the hype.

So, consider this your sign to switch it up with your cookies every once in a while. Best case scenario: You have a new favorite recipe. Worst-case scenario: You have a couple dozen decent chocolate chip cookies on your hands. It’s a win-win. (Unless you decide to make them chipless, in which case, I can’t help you).

After all, the only way to really know which recipe is best is to bake and taste them all. While this task might seem overwhelming and even impossible, I'm willing to try. Luckily, there's a beginner-friendly recipe that is a great place to start. Who knows, maybe it really is the best. We certainly won’t know until we try.

Felix K.'s "Don't Even Try To Say These Aren't the Best You've Ever Eaten, Because They Are" Chocolate Chip Cookies

I didn’t know it was possible to be completely sold on a recipe based on its name alone, but this beloved recipe from might have taught me otherwise. Yes, it’s a mouthful, but it certainly gets its point across. I’m in, and I haven’t even scrolled to the ingredient list yet.

I don’t know Felix K., but I trust them already. Never mind this recipe’s almost 600 reviews and 4.8 stars, something about the confidence and snappy description has won me over.

The recipe seems like your average CCC recipe at first glance. But, Felix K, or “Professor Felix,” says it has been in development for years and “laboratory-tested” by many friends. I don’t know if Professor Felix is a real professor, but it certainly seems like this recipe has been perfected down to a science.

At least 588 people felt the same as me, each giving this recipe a shot based on its charming title and good reviews. And many found a winner, with some saying it is the perfect bakery-style cookie and others saying it is reminiscent of a cookie from Subway.

One reviewer labeled it perfect for “chewy CC cookie lovers.” Another said that they tested over 30 chocolate chip cookie recipes in a “multi-night event with multiple taste testers" and this recipe made it in the top three. One commenter even said this cookie replaced their former go-to recipe. See, I told you it was possible to find a new fave.

What Makes Felix K.'s Chocolate Chip Cookies So Good

<p>AllRecipes / Julia Hartbeck</p>

AllRecipes / Julia Hartbeck

The difficult thing about chocolate chip cookies is that everyone has an opinion about what makes them good. Some like them as thin and crispy as possible, while others like them gooey and cakey. I settle somewhere in the middle and prefer as many chocolate chips as possible and, of course, a sprinkle of sea salt on top.

Despite these factors, there are basic CCC recipes out there that magically appeal to everyone. It’s a simple, classic treat—exactly what you picture when you think of a quintessential chocolate chip cookie.

Many reviewers agree that this recipe fits into this category. It's easy, versatile, and loved by cookie fans of all tastes. Plus, it’s not too fussy: It doesn’t make you do anything too intense like brown butter, utilize a freezer, wait 100 hours, or bang your tray on the counter. While I have been subjected to all of these methods in search of the best CCC, this recipe has only one strange, but simple, secret to its success.

This recipe calls for a lot of flour. While some might say this amount is too much, it seems to be the secret behind the cakey, bakery-style quality of these cookies. The added flour adds to the chewy texture of the cookies while keeping them soft. Additionally, it prevents them from spreading too much or flattening. Instead, they turn into CCCs that stay soft in your pantry for a couple of days (if they don't get inhaled before then).

I'm confident it’s the simplicity of this cookie that makes it popular. It is just a good, basic chocolate chip cookie. Maybe a little too good, says one reviewer, who mentioned they had to “hide them immediately from my fam!” The same reviewer also tried to award this cookie a Grammy, so clearly, there is just something special about this recipe!

When you have a spare moment (and a lot of spare flour) to devote to some essential cookie research, be sure to add this recipe to your list. With a name this adamant and reviews this enthusiastic, you might just have a new “best” cookie in your repetoire.

Read the original article on All Recipes.