If You Or Someone You Know Has Had Trouble With Online Gambling, We Want To Hear From You

Lately, it feels like ads for online gambling are everywhere. Whether I'm listening to a favorite podcast, taking a nice leisurely scroll through my feeds, or watching TV, I get bombarded with ads for online "social" casinos and sports betting sites.

Person viewing sports betting app on smartphone, seated indoors. Nearby are modern furniture pieces, including a round table and orange pouf

For some people, placing a bet on a sports match or playing a few hands of poker is just harmless fun. But for others, gambling can become an addiction with serious (and expensive) consequences.

According to the American Psychological Association, teens and young adults may be at a higher risk for developing problematic gambling behaviors. And because of the way these sites are advertised, men and boys may be at a higher risk.

So, if you or someone you know has gotten into a tough situation with online gambling, we want to hear from you. Sharing your story could really help someone else who's feeling lost and alone.

Maybe a friend showed you a gambling site that looked like a lot of fun, so you tried it out, not thinking much of it. Over time, you spent more and more time (and money) on the site until an especially big loss wiped out your budget. Now, you're working on paying down the debt, but you're worried that you might relapse and undo all your progress.

Close-up of a roulette table layout showing numbers 11 to 20, with a cursor pointing at number 17
Sean Gladwell / Getty Images

Or perhaps someone you were in a relationship with racked up some serious gambling debts without telling you. You knew they placed the occasional bet on a big game, but you had no idea just how deep their relationship to gambling ran until they broke down one night and confessed it all. After a lot of careful thought, you ended up ending the relationship because the way they hid this huge secret broke your trust.

Person using a smartphone betting app while watching a basketball game on TV; popcorn and remote on table nearby
Bluecinema / Getty Images

Or maybe you watched a family member fall into an online gambling addiction, but you're extremely proud of them for finding their way out. It was so hard to see someone you love struggling, and you couldn't be happier that they chose to seek help. Now, you want others who are suffering to know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Person enters credit card info on a laptop keyboard, with a smartphone beside them
Maria Korneeva / Getty Images

Tell us your story in the comments below or via this anonymous form, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.