Soon Botox could be available at your doorstep


Thinking about Botox but don’t like the idea of having to go into a clinic? You’re not alone.

“When a lot of people come in for Botox, they’re very tense and nervous and don’t know what to expect,” Valerie Goldburt, a New York City dermatologist tells Allure. “People have this ‘white coat syndrome,’ where they see a doctor in the office and their blood pressure skyrockets. In their own home, in their own domain, they will feel a lot more relaxed. It’s more comfortable if it’s on the patient’s terms.”

Hoping to curb Botox anxiety, Godburt created an app called Boomer, which brings Botox right to your doorstep.

“I had a eureka moment: I realized that if I’m traveling to see my patients, they’re traveling to see me, too, so we were all spending time trying to get somewhere,” she says.


“This was around the time that Uber was becoming more and more popular, so I started to think about how to bring minimally invasive procedures to patients. Combining the tech space and the Uber-like on-demand space with what I was already doing just made sense.”

In the same way that Uber connects drivers and passengers, the app brings patients together with physicians in the area who can swing by to administer basic procedures like Botox and lip fillers. It eliminates the cost of having a clinic and offers customers the added comfort of being in their own space

While some dermatologists have voiced concerns over the safety of offering such procedures on demand without a controlled, sterile environment, Goldburt is quick to respond.

“These are all board-certified dermatologists,” she says. “It’s people that I know and trust, my colleagues."

While Boomer is currently only available in New York City, the increasing demand for these types of services suggest that we may be seeing more platforms like this in the future.

What do you think about Botox on demand? Let us know your thoughts by tweeting to @YahooStyleCA.