Summer-Ripe Blackberry Pie Is The Perfect Pie For The Season

Pumpkin and pecan are classics in the fall, but come summer, fresh fruit pies become one of my favorite desserts. The simple, easy fillings are the perfect way to highlight in-season fruit, and our homemade pie crust results in the ultimate buttery, flaky pairing to my sweet filling. This blackberry pie is one of my go-to recipes during the summer, and makes for an ideal end to any warm-weather occasion, from your 4th of July celebration to a weekend summer cookout.

Yields: 8 servings

Prep Time: 15 mins

Total Time: 5 hours 30 mins


  • 24 oz.


  • 1 c.

    granulated sugar

  • 3 tbsp.


  • Juice of 1/2 lemon

  • 2 tsp.

    pure vanilla extract

  • 2

    batches pie crust, made and chilled at least 2 hours

  • Egg wash

  • Turbinado sugar


  1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine blackberries, sugar, cornstarch, and lemon juice. Let simmer, smashing berries with the back of a spoon, until most of the berries are broken down and mixture begins to thicken, 8 to 10 minutes. Turn off heat and stir in vanilla. Let cool completely.

  2. Meanwhile, roll out pie crusts. Let dough sit at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes. On a lightly floured surface, roll out both pie crusts to a 12” round. Transfer one of the rounds to a 9” shallow pie plate and gently press sides down to make sure there are no gaps. Cut the second crust into 1” thick strips for a lattice top, then place on a large cutting board. Refrigerate both crusts for 15 minutes.

  3. Pour cooled blackberry filling over chilled crust in pie plate. To make a lattice top, lay strips of pie dough vertically over filling. Lift up every other strip and place a strip of dough across horizontally. Lay strips back down. Lift the other alternating strips up and place another strip across horizontally, then lay strips back down. Repeat with remaining strips until top is covered. Trim lattice strips to be flush with edge of filling.

  4. Using kitchen shears, trim edges to a ½” overhang. Tuck crust under so that the crust is flush with the edge of the pie plate, pinching together. Crimp edges as desired.

  5. Preheat oven to 400° with a large baking pan on center rack. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with turbinado sugar. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

  6. Carefully place pie on preheated baking sheet and bake until crust is deeply golden and filling showing through is matte, 40 to 50 minutes. If edges start to get too dark, cover top of pie loosely with aluminum foil. Let cool 1 hour before slicing.

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