"Oh, To Have An Emotionally Intelligent Dad" — This Text One Dad Sent After Witnessing His Daughter's Recent Breakup Is Going Viral Because His Perspective Is Helping So Many People
A woman named Fallon Thompson recently went viral on TikTok after she shared the text message she received from her dad, Scott, after he witnessed her breakup...
The TikTok photo series of the text has nearly 14 million views, and reading it, you can tell why:
Not only did Scott acknowledge her heartbreak, but he also offered thoughts from his perspective:
He then shared this metaphor about cows and bulls to help uplift her:
Obviously the text was one of the sweetest things many people had seen.
But it also proved how emotionally intelligent her dad was.
And people shared that his words really resonated with them.
According to research, emotionally intelligent parents can significantly impact their children's emotional intelligence for the better.
It is apparent that Scott's words were much appreciated by everyone who read them.
So much so that people felt they were deeply therapeutic.
BuzzFeed spoke to Fallon who said the breakup was really sudden. "I had just gotten back home from Spokane, Washington (where I go to school), and literally the day I got back, she came over and told me she was ending things. It totally blindsided me. I was super excited to spend my summer with her, and I had no idea she was thinking about ending things. It has definitely put a damper on my first couple of days at home, but I’m just trying to keep myself busy and have fun with my friends."
BuzzFeed also spoke to Scott who said he sent the text after taking Fallon out to dinner at her favorite spot to try to cheer her up the night of her breakup. "She tried to put on a brave face, but I could tell she was still pretty sad; when we got home, she went straight to her room and was pretty quiet. I knew she didn’t want to talk about it, but I wanted to let her know I was here for her and that she would be okay. So I sat down and just started typing from my heart. I wanted to give her some of my perspective because she has always valued it, and I know she could’ve used a reminder that there was light at the end of the tunnel."
Fallon admitted that when she initially saw her dad's text she wondered why it was so long. "But, as soon as I read the first sentence, I knew he was sending me something I definitely needed to hear. My dad and I are best friends, and he has always been there for me when I’m going through a tough time. He always knows exactly what to say. It was really comforting to know he saw that I was hurting and didn’t want me to deal with that by myself," she shared.
"To the girl dads out there: Just be there. Be invested in their lives; they are so much tougher than us and deal with so much more than we will ever know. That’s why it’s so important to lift them up for both their wins and losses. The world is tough on our girls, and if we can support them during the challenges they face, eventually, they will be able to support themselves and make their own path. Hug your girls tight, never be afraid to be vulnerable with them, and tell them you love them any chance you get," concluded Scott.
And so many people are invested in Scott content now, he just started his own TikTok page! You can follow him here. You can also follow Fallon on TikTok here.