I Tried The Viral "Cucumber In A Quart Container" Trend, And I Finally Understand The Hype

Even for those of us who aren't chronically online, chances are you've seen the viral "cucumber salad" videos floating around. Now deemed the "cucumber guy," Logan Moffitt has taken TikTok by storm with his various cucumber combinations, some of which have garnered close to 30 million views and resulted in thousands of recreations on the app.

Logan holds a cucumber in one hand and a plastic container in the other
@logagm / Via tiktok.com

It's definitely not the first time the internet has become totally cucumber-obsessed, particularly drawing from East Asian influences. Smashed and spiralized cucumbers also went viral a couple of years ago, even though both recipes have existed long before we knew what a TikTok doom scroll was.

TikToker Cassy Yeung holds a spiral-cut cucumber on a stick over a glass dish with marinade. Text: "make these for your next side dish they are so impressive."
@cassyeungmoney / Via tiktok.com

Now, it's time we enter a new cucumber era. Since posting his first cucumber video in July, which gained over 11 million views, Logan has regularly pushed out new cucumber recipes, from a Din Tai Fung copycat to a riff on a classic lox bagel. No matter the recipe, Logan always starts his videos with his now-signature line: "Sometimes you just need to eat an entire cucumber." Also, his signature? A quart-sized plastic deli container and a mandoline to slice an entire cucumber easily. Oh, and MSG (obviously).

Logan holds a large cucumber and a container, wearing a white t-shirt with a pattern of colorful bears.
Logan holds a large cucumber and a container, wearing a white t-shirt with a pattern of colorful bears.
Logan slicing cucumbers into a plastic container using a mandoline.
Logan slicing cucumbers into a plastic container using a mandoline.

@logagm / Via tiktok.com

The formula for Logan's videos is pretty simple: place a mandoline on top of a deli container, slice a whole cucumber, add your ingredients, pop on the lid, and shake vigorously. Even though there are skeptics out there who believe there's no way Logan is able to mix up the ingredients just by shaking these full-to-the-brim containers, he has assured his now 5 million followers that this method never fails. And people can't seem to get enough of his videos, often calling him the "most hydrated person" on the app and even anecdotally mentioning he's solely responsible for cucumbers being sold out at their grocery store.

Logan in a kitchen shaking a container of cucumbers. Comment below reads, "every time i think 'no way he can shake that all up' and then u do every time"

But it is worth noting that while a mandoline can cut foods more quickly than a knife, this method has landed folks who have tried this trend in the ER. Most notably, TikToker Jackson Dean went viral after slicing his finger while filming a cucumber video. After the incident, Logan reminded us all to be "very mindful" when using this incredibly sharp tool. (If it's your first time using a mandoline, please, please, please be careful and follow my wonderful coworker and pro chef Meg's tips).

While we're on the subject of recipe disclaimers, yes, there was also a salmonella outbreak tied to cucumbers that was first issued in May. Rest assured, though, that the CDC has confirmed that the cucumbers involved in the recall are no longer on shelves across the 31 affected states and that there is "likely no ongoing risk to the public."

Cucumber dangers aside, since I strive to be as hydrated as Logan and very often do not get enough vegetables in my diet, I wanted to try eating an entire cucumber myself — actually, three entire cucumbers — because just trying one recipe didn't feel like enough. So, after a whole lot of scrolling, I decided to try Logan's original recipe, his salmon bagel version, and a Mediterranean-inspired recreation from Wishbone Kitchen.

side by side images of Logan and Meredith Hayden (aka Wishbone Kitchen) making cucumber salad in a kitchen

Kicking it off with the cucumber that started it all: Logan's OG recipe. Here's everything he uses:

Various cooking ingredients including granulated sugar, soy sauce, sesame seeds, fish sauce, MSG, sesame oil, a cucumber, and green onion on a wood board

Normally, the first step here would be to slice your cucumbers on a mandoline over a deli quart container. But as I mentioned, those things are dangerous, and I do not trust my kitchen skills enough to not injure myself, so I'm opting for my trusty sharp knife, which has never let me down. I still tried to cut my cucumbers as thin and consistently as a mandoline would (about 1/8 inch thick), but I'm no chef, and my knife skills could definitely still use some work.

Hand slicing cucumber into thin rounds on a wooden cutting board
Hand slicing cucumber into thin rounds on a wooden cutting board
Hand holding a sliced cucumber above a pile of cucumber slices on a wooden cutting board
Hand holding a sliced cucumber above a pile of cucumber slices on a wooden cutting board

Claudia Santos

Long story short, you can 100% do this trend with a knife. Sure, it'll take a little bit longer, but it might save you a fingertip or two.

One thing I don't have a shortage of, however, is deli containers. (I may or may not keep every takeout container I've ever gotten, which causes chaos in my tiny kitchen.) So, after slicing my cucumber, I added all of it to my quart container. Shockingly, it did all fit (with a decent amount of room left).

Sliced cucumbers in a clear plastic container placed on a wooden cutting board
Sliced cucumbers in a clear plastic container placed on a wooden cutting board
A plastic container filled with cucumber slices is placed on a wooden surface, with a brick wall and checkered tablecloth in the background
A plastic container filled with cucumber slices is placed on a wooden surface, with a brick wall and checkered tablecloth in the background

Claudia Santos

Sorry, my container is so opaque. You can't really be picky when you're hoarding these things for free, though.

Next up, we're adding all the sauces and oils directly to the container: soy sauce, fish sauce, and sesame oil.

Three images showing sliced cucumbers in a plastic container being drizzled with soy sauce, fish sauce, and sesame oil
Claudia Santos

After that, throw in the sugar and MSG. If you're new to cooking with MSG (aka monosodium glutamate), it's an incredibly versatile condiment that lends a ton of umami flavor to whatever you add it to. Unfortunately, myths surrounding the "safety" of MSG have long been perpetuated in Western society, as evidenced by many of the comments Logan receives over using it.

Sliced cucumbers in a white bowl being sprinkled with sugar from a spoon, placed on a wooden cutting board
Sliced cucumbers in a white bowl being sprinkled with sugar from a spoon, placed on a wooden cutting board
Cucumber slices in a plastic container being seasoned with MSG
Cucumber slices in a plastic container being seasoned with MSG

Claudia Santos

If you really don't want to use MSG in this recipe, I'm not stopping you. Just know that the myth that it's harmful has been largely debunked. Global food-regulating bodies like the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization, as well as the FDA, recognize it as a safe ingredient.

Lastly, add in some grated or very finely minced garlic and scallions. Logan typically uses a microplane for the garlic, but I just opted for my knife again to chop the garlic and smash it with the flat part until it became a paste. When it came time to add the scallions, I stuck to Logan's method of just using a pair of kitchen scissors to get the job done. (This is also my go-to kitchen tool when I can't be bothered to wash a cutting board.)

A bowl of sliced cucumbers topped with a dollop of minced garlic and a drizzle of soy sauce
A bowl of sliced cucumbers topped with a dollop of minced garlic and a drizzle of soy sauce
A container with sliced cucumbers, green onions, and a hand using scissors to trim a green onion over the container
A container with sliced cucumbers, green onions, and a hand using scissors to trim a green onion over the container

Claudia Santos

Once you've added everything to your container, all you have to do is cover it with a lid and give everything a good shake until all the ingredients are distributed. It was at this point that I realized I had forgotten the sesame seeds. (Don't worry, I added them after!)

A hand holds a plastic container filled with sliced cucumbers, herbs, and liquid against a rustic brick wall

Tip: Also, don't be like me: remember to hold the lid while you're shaking. I may or may not have been cleaning cucumber off my floor after a slight incident.

Claudia Santos

And that's it! Logan says he eats his cucumber snack right away rather than marinating it to keep everything crunchy, and I couldn't agree more. I know a cucumber salad is nothing revolutionary, but I loved every bite of this, from the umami flavor of the fish sauce and MSG to the pungent kick of the garlic — everything about it made for such a satisfying bite. I'm not lying when I tell you I could not stop eating this, and before I knew it, I, too, had eaten an entire cucumber. Very much a 10/10 experience.

Chopsticks holding a sesame-covered cucumber slice above a container of cucumber salad. The bowl rests on a wooden surface
Claudia Santos

Not only is this cucumber salad wildly easy to replicate, but it's also perfectly customizable, as you can probably guess from the many variations Logan and other creators have showcased on their platforms. The other one that happened to catch my eye (and the eye of almost 30 million people) was his salmon avocado bagel version.

Logan slicing salmon in a kitchen, with a container of sliced cucumbers and onions in the background
Logan slicing salmon in a kitchen, with a container of sliced cucumbers and onions in the background
Logan holds a plastic container filled with a salad containing cucumbers, red onions, and seeds, looking directly at the camera
Logan holds a plastic container filled with a salad containing cucumbers, red onions, and seeds, looking directly at the camera

@logagm / Via tiktok.com

Here's everything you'll need:

Various food items on a table, including avocado, cucumber, red onion, cream cheese, smoked salmon, capers, sesame seasoning, and MSG

I won't go through the whole cucumber-cutting process again, but after slicing it, I added my cream cheese, which I know looks kind of weird and liquidy. I actually realized I had an opened pack of "probiotic" cream cheese left over, so I used that. (It was still delicious, just with a slightly runny texture!) I also added the salmon, which I chopped into relatively small pieces to ensure every bite had a bit of salmon.

A container of sliced cucumbers topped with cream cheese, placed on a wooden cutting board
A container of sliced cucumbers topped with cream cheese, placed on a wooden cutting board
A container with diced salmon over a layer of cucumber slices and a creamy white sauce, placed on a wooden board
A container with diced salmon over a layer of cucumber slices and a creamy white sauce, placed on a wooden board

Claudia Santos

I obviously skipped using the mandoline for my red onion as well and just tried to get those slices as thin as possible with a knife before adding them to my container.

A hand holds a finely sliced piece of red onion over a wooden cutting board with more sliced onions and a knife
A hand holds a finely sliced piece of red onion over a wooden cutting board with more sliced onions and a knife
Thinly sliced red onions in a plastic container on a wooden board
Thinly sliced red onions in a plastic container on a wooden board

Claudia Santos

Tip: If you're not the biggest fan of raw onions, you can try rinsing them under cold water for a few seconds to minimize their pungent flavor.

At this point, I was already skeptical that all these ingredients would mix easily. Nevertheless, I continued by adding my avocado, which I cut into about 1/2-inch pieces, along with A TON of capers. You do you, but when it comes to capers, I'm personally a "more is more" kinda gal.

A container with chopped avocado and red onion slices, placed on a wooden cutting board
A container with chopped avocado and red onion slices, placed on a wooden cutting board
A container with avocado slices, red onion slices, and capers on a wooden surface
A container with avocado slices, red onion slices, and capers on a wooden surface

Claudia Santos

The last step was just adding the seasonings. Everything bagel seasoning really gives this that classic lox bagel taste, but even if you just have sesame seeds, that also works!

A plastic container contains avocado, red onion, capers, sesame seeds, and smoked salmon
Claudia Santos

Mixing this recipe was a little trickier (I definitely think the texture of my weird, runny cream cheese helped in the end), but OMG, was it incredible. Will it replace my lox bagels? No, but it did replicate the flavor really, really well. The creaminess of both the cream cheese and avocado coated the cucumbers in a way that was simply *chef's kiss.* My biggest recommendation would be to really chop/slice everything finely so you get something in every bite. This version definitely felt like more of a meal rather than something snackable, and it would honestly be delicious on a bagel. In fact...

Bowl of salad with cucumber slices and chopped salmon, being picked up with wooden chopsticks
Claudia Santos

...that's exactly what I ended up doing for lunch that day. So, if you're keeping track, that's two whole cucumbers I'd eaten at this point.

Two slices of bagel topped with cucumber slices, salmon, red onions, and cream cheese on a plate
Claudia Santos

With one more cucumber to go (I did buy a pack of three, after all), I decided to channel my inner private chef in the Hamptons and recreate Wishbone Kitchen, aka Meredith Hayden's recipe, with over 2 million views. Logan also has a similar recipe with feta and honey, but this one just slightly veers away from it.

Wishbone Kitchen in a blue checkered dress adds ingredients to a container filled with cucumber slices in a kitchen
Wishbone Kitchen in a blue checkered dress adds ingredients to a container filled with cucumber slices in a kitchen
Wishbone Kitchen smiling and holding a jar of cucumbers with herbs and cheese
Wishbone Kitchen smiling and holding a jar of cucumbers with herbs and cheese

@wishbonekitchen / Via tiktok.com

Alrighty, here's my last ingredient roundup for you:

A cucumber, a lemon, a shallot, dill, a block of feta cheese, and a bottle of extra virgin olive oil on a cutting board

You all probably know the drill by now, but slice your cucumber very thinly, slice your shallot, and add those to the container. Then throw in your dill. I have a similar relationship with dill as I do with capers: More. Is. More. I freakin' love dill, but, of course, do what works best for your tastes.

A container with sliced cucumbers and thinly sliced shallots on a wooden cutting board
A container with sliced cucumbers and thinly sliced shallots on a wooden cutting board
A plastic container filled with sliced cucumbers, shallots, and a generous amount of fresh dill sits on a wooden cutting board
A plastic container filled with sliced cucumbers, shallots, and a generous amount of fresh dill sits on a wooden cutting board

Claudia Santos

I also don't really bother chopping dill, and I felt validated by seeing Meredith also tearing hers. So, if you've had enough chopping and slicing at this point, just tear it! Or even use kitchen scissors like Logan.

Then crumble your feta right on top. I like to buy a block of feta and crumble it myself, but by all means, use feta crumbles if that's what works for you.

Plastic container filled with crumbled feta cheese, placed on a wooden cutting board
Claudia Santos

Since we're all cucumber pros at this point, I probably don't have to tell you to give all the ingredients one last shake after adding the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. I'll admit, this was probably the most challenging one to mix to make sure everything was distributed evenly. I won't lie: I almost cheated and used a bowl, but I promise I didn't.

A container filled with crumbled feta cheese, drizzled with olive oil, sits on a wooden cutting board. Fresh herbs are mixed into the cheese
A container filled with crumbled feta cheese, drizzled with olive oil, sits on a wooden cutting board. Fresh herbs are mixed into the cheese
A hand using a lemon squeezer over a container of crumbled cheese on a wooden cutting board
A hand using a lemon squeezer over a container of crumbled cheese on a wooden cutting board

Claudia Santos

Meredith knew what she was doing here. These flavors together are obviously so classic, and it kind of had the best of both worlds from the two previous recipes. It was still light and fresh, like the first recipe from the lemon juice and herbs, but it also got a little creamy from being mixed with the feta. Also, raw shallots over raw red onion any day; they gave everything a nice bite without being too pungent.

Slices of cucumber in a creamy, likely dill-flavored dressing, held by chopsticks over a container, placed on a wooden surface
Claudia Santos

If I'm reaching for an "everyday" cucumber recipe, though, I'd probably still reach for Logan's original, but Meredith's is definitely a close second. Even after eating three whole cucumbers on this day, I still made that first recipe again for lunch in the few days after. While it definitely isn't enough to hold me over on its own, adding a protein and/or carb (I personally opted to add tofu) really rounded it out. I'd also recommend a little spice if that's your thing (I've been adding sriracha).

A woman in a grey top is using chopsticks to eat pickled cucumbers from a large container in a kitchen
Claudia Santos

If you've found yourself on Cucumbertok, let me know if you've tried these recipes or have any you'd like to share. Until then, happy cucumber-ing (and please be very mindful, very demure with those mandolines).

And if you'd like to join the cucumber community, you can follow Logan on TikTok.