Woman With Dwarfism Shares the "Gift of Being Different" in Powerful Video

"Look at it" or "look at that midget" are statements Cara Reedy often hears directed at her.

In a Digg video posted Monday, "The Gift of Being Different," Reedy, who was born with achondroplastic dwarfism, opens up about the obstacles she's faced throughout her life and how often she feels dehumanized by insensitive remarks.

This is her story:

Growing up she was afraid of going into public.

Woman With Dwarfism Shares the
Source: YouTube
Woman With Dwarfism Shares the
Source: YouTube

She often has to go the extra mile to prove herself.

Woman With Dwarfism Shares the
Source: YouTube
Woman With Dwarfism Shares the
Source: YouTube

Because she wants to be seen as a person as opposed to an "it."

Woman With Dwarfism Shares the
Source: YouTube
Woman With Dwarfism Shares the
Source: YouTube

Through it all, she's learned to stick up for herself.

Woman With Dwarfism Shares the
Source: YouTube
Woman With Dwarfism Shares the
Source: YouTube

And that, folks, is the gift of being different.

Watch the full video below: